Data Exporter can export both persistent and transient data. Persistent refers to the data Identity Manager stores in the repository. Transient data is data that is either not stored in the Identity Manager repository by default, or data that has a lifecycle that precludes periodic fetching of changed records. Some types of data are both transient and persistent, such as Task Instances and WorkItems. These data types are considered transient because they are deleted by Identity Manager at times that are not externally predictable.
Identity Manager exports the following data types.
Table 5–1 Supported Data Types
Data Type |
Persistence |
Description |
Account |
Persistent |
Record containing the linkage between a User and a ResourceAccount |
AdminGroup |
Persistent |
A group of IdentityManager permissions available on all ObjectGroups |
AdminRole |
Persistent |
The permissions assigned to one or more ObjectGroups |
AuditPolicy |
Persistent |
A collection of rules evaluated against an IdentityManager object to determine complicance to a business policy |
ComplianceViolation |
Persistent |
Tracks a User's non-compliance with an AuditPolicy |
Entitlement |
Persistent |
A record containing the list of attestations for a specific User |
LogRecord |
Persistent |
A record containing a single audit record |
ObjectGroup |
Persistent |
A security container that is modeled as an organization |
Resource |
Persistent |
A system/application on which accounts are provisioned |
ResourceAccount |
Transient |
A set of attributes that comprise an account on a specific Resource |
Persistent |
A logical container for access |
Rule |
Persistent |
A block of logic that can be executed by Identity Manager |
TaskInstance |
Transient and persistent |
A record indicating an executing or completed process |
User |
Persistent |
A logical user that includes zero or more accounts |
WorkflowActivity |
Transient |
A single activity of an Identity Manager workflow |
WorkItem |
Transient and persistent |
A manual action from an Identity Manager workflow |
Data Exporter allows you to define strategies for exporting each type of data, depending on the exact needs of the warehouse. For example, some data types may need to export every change to an object while other data types may be satisfied with exporting at a fixed interval, potentially skipping intermediate changes to the data.
You can select which types will be exported. Once a type is selected, all new and modified instances of that type will be exported. Persistent data types can also be configured to export deleted objects.