Sun Identity Manager Deployment Guide

ProcedureTo Execute the Test

  1. Open a browser and navigate to your idm instance/debug/CompatTests.jsp. For example,

  2. To run the example, you must provide the following values:

    Namespace = SimulatedAdapterTests

    Adapter = com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter

    User Name to Run Test as = configurator

    Password for User to Run Test as = configurator’s password

    Script type = Beanshell radio button

    Import Result of this Script Text = SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh file contents

  3. Copy the contents of the SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh file from the sample/compat/example.4 directory and paste them into this text field.

    Note –

    This script runs Example 4, but you can run the other examples in the same way. The other parameters are available too, but the names are slightly altered in the jsp file.

    You can also run the compatibility test remotely from a command line Java program called CTContainerTest. The usage is as follows:

    CTContainerTest -url url [-v] [-parm1_name parm1_value e ... -parmx_name parmx_value]


    • Parameter names are the same as parameters accepted by the servlet.

    • Parameter values are the same as values accepted by the servlet.

    The servlet does not support the following parameters as a command line argument:

    • importScriptText

      You can use the importLocalScriptFile parameter to send the importScriptText parameter to the servlet. The importLocalScriptFile option reads the contents of the file specified by the parameter value, and submits the content of that file to the servlet with the importScriptText parameter name.

    • importXMLText

      You can use the importLocalXMLFile parameter to send the importXMLText parameter to the servlet. The importLocalXMLFile option reads the contents of the file specified by the parameter value, and submits the content of that file to the servlet with the importXMLText parameter name.

    For more information about the available parameters and their use, run the CTContainerTest program with no arguments, as follows:

    java -cp idmtesting.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest

    The following examples illustrate different ways to run this command.

    Note –

    To run these examples in a Windows environment, you must adjust the hostname and port, change the classpath separation character from a colon (:) to a semicolon (;), and change the path separator from a backward slash (/) to a forward slash (\).

    Running a Compatibility Test Using the Default DataProvider

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.1/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml -includedTests

    Running a Compatibility Test with Added Tests

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.2/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml -includedTests

    Running a Compatibility Test After Finishing the Test Configuration

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.3/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml

    Running a Compatability Test After Executing Beanshell Script

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalScriptFile ./example.4/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh