Sun Identity Manager Deployment Reference

Task Definition Parameters

The following table lists the standard configuration parameters.

Table 1–1 Standard Workflow Configuration Parameters




Specifies the user-supplied name of the workflow as presented in the Identity Manager interface. Names should be unique among objects of this type, but objects of different types can have the same name. 


Used for filtering purposes only 


Identifies the name of the class that implements the task. By default, for workflows this class is com.waveset.workflow.WorkflowExecutor.


(Boolean) Indicates that the task can be suspended and resumed. Default is true. 


(Boolean) Indicates whether the user is permitted to request synchronous or asynchronous execution. Default is true. 


Specifies the type of execution we should use by default. Default is sync. 

If this value is null, or set to ExecMode.DEFAULT, we treat it as ExecMode.ASYNC. 


Specifies the limit in seconds that the task is allowed to execute. The task can specify a limit on the amount of time it is allowed to execute. If it exceeds this limit, the scheduler is allowed to terminate it. A limit of zero means there is no limit. 

Default is 0. 


Specifies the limit in seconds that a task instance is allowed to live after the task has completed. Default is 0. 

Once a task has completed or terminated, the TaskInstance containing the task result is typically kept in the repository for a designated period of time, after which it is automatically deleted. 

0. Indicates that the TaskInstance will be deleted immediately after the task is complete. 

-1. Indicates that the TaskInstance will never be automatically deleted, though it can be manually deleted by the user. 

This parameter is typically set to a value that is equivalent to a few days for tasks that generate reports for later analysis. Set to zero for tasks that are run only for side effect and do not generate any meaningful result. 


(String) Specifies the options how the results of prior executions of repetitive tasks are handled. This object defines that data, and how to ask for it. Default is delete.

wait. Prevents the task from being run until the old result is manually deleted or expires. If this is a nonscheduled task, it results in an error at the time it is launched. If this is a scheduled task, the scheduler simply ignores it.

delete. Automatically deletes old results before executing the task. The old tasks must be in a finished state.

rename. Renames old results before executing the task. The old task must be in a finished state.

terminate. Terminates and deletes any currently executing task. This is similar to the DELETE option, but it also automatically terminates the task if it is running.


When set to true, specifies that the workflow continues to run after the completion of the action until the next manual action, and displays the next work item to the user immediately. This setting supports wizard-style workflows. 

When set to false, the workflow continues execution in the background, and the user must go to a different page (typically the approvals page) when he needs to perform the next step in the workflow. 


(String) Declares the visibility of this task definition. Default is run schedule. Other options include invisible, run task, and schedule task.


Specifies the interval in milliseconds that Identity Manager should check for progress updates. 

The task can specify an interval at which the task will be updating its progress. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (five seconds). Specifying a shorter interval will give you more current task status, but increases the load on the server.