Sun Identity Manager Deployment Reference

Service Provider Correlation Rules

The example Service Provider correlation rules have access to the Service Provider User view.



You must specify the following for a custom Service Provider correlation rule:






A single accountId, a list of accountIds, or an option map

  • If the rule returns a list of accountIds, then you must set a confirmation rule to determine the selected accountId.

  • If the rule returns an option map, then the view handler first retrieves a list of identities from the resource adapter by invoking the listResourceObjects context call with the provided option map.

Predefined Rules 


The following table describes the example correlation rules you can use to customize Service Provider.

Table 4–15 Example Service Provider Correlation Rules

Rule Name  


Service Provider Example Correlation Rule for LDAP Returning Option Map 

Returns an option map with a search filter to be used with an LDAP adapter. The LDAP Resource Adapter allows a filter to be passed to scope the search operation. The filter is expected to be an LDAP search filter. 

Service Provider Example Correlation Rule for Simulated Returning Option Map 

Returns an option map with a search filter to be used with a Simulated Resource Adapter. The Simulated Resource Adapter allows a filter to be passed to scope the search operation. This adapter expects the search filter to be an AttributeExpression.

Service Provider Example Correlation Rule Returning List of Identities 

Returns a list of accountIds in LDAP DN format that are composed from the accountId in the view. 

Service Provider Example Correlation Rule Returning Single Identity 

Returns a single accountId in LDAP DN format composed from the account Id in the view.