Sun Identity Manager Deployment Reference

Component Classes

HTML components are independent objects that can be combined in various ways. Related components are organized into classes. There are two major groups of component classes:

Basic Component Classes

Common component classes include the components that are used to display and edit a single value. These components are defined in the section titled Basic Component Classes.

Container Classes

A container class defines a collection of components that are visually organized in a certain way. Typically, creating a container class results in the generation of an HTML table tag. Simple containers can concatenate the components horizontally or vertically. Other containers allow more flexible positioning of components and may add ornamentation around the components.

Because containers are themselves components, any container can be placed inside another container. You can use this mechanism to build complex page layouts. For example, many pages consist of a title, followed by a list of editing fields, followed by a row of form submission buttons. You can create this by creating a Panel component using vertical orientation that contains a Label component, an EditForm component, and a ButtonRow component. The EditForm component itself contains some number of subcomponents. The ButtonRow component is simply a Panel that uses horizontal orientation and contains a list of Button components.


Defines five regions (north, south, east, west, and center) into which items can be placed. Components in the north and south regions are positioned horizontally. Components in all other regions are positioned vertically.

Properties include:


Sets default options for button placement. Extends the Panel component.


This display component is the default display class used to render forms in a browser.

Form components are positioned in two columns, with titles on the left, and components on the right. Flyover help can be included with the titles. Multiple components can be concatenated on a single row.

Most edited properties include title, subTitle and adjacentTitleWidth.

<Form name=’Default User Form’ help=’account/modify-help.xml’>
   <Display class=’EditForm’>
     <Property name=’titleWidth’ value=’120’>
     <Property name=’adjacentTitleWidth’ value=’60’>

Additional EditForm properties include:


Consists of three classes: Menu, MenuBar, and MenuItem.

Menu contains the following properties:

MenuBar contains the following properties:

MenuItem contains the following properties:

You can set these properties on either a MenuBar or MenuItem:

The following XPRESS example creates a menu with two tabs. The second tab contain two subtabs:

Example 7–1 Implementation of Menu, MenuItem, and MenuBar Components

<Display class=’Menu’/> 
   <Display class=’MenuItem’> 
      <Property name=’URL’ value=’user/main.jsp’/> 
      <Property name=’title’ value=’Home’ /> 
   <Display class=’MenuBar’ > 
      <Property name=’title’ value=’Work Items’ /> 
      <Property name=’URL’ value=’user/workItemListExt.jsp’ /> 
      <Display class=’MenuItem’> 
         <Property name=’URL’ value=’user/workItemListExt.jsp’/> 
         <Property name=’title’ value=’Approvals’ /> 
      <Display class=’MenuItem’> 
         <Property name=’URL’ value=’user/otherWorkItems/listOtherWorkItems.jsp’/> 
         <Property name=’title’ value=’Other’ /> 

In the Identity Manager User Interface, the horizontal navigation bar is driven by the End User Navigation User form in enduser.xml.

The userHeader.jsp, which is included in all Identity Manager User Interface pages, includes another JSP named menuStart.jsp. This JSP accesses two system configuration objects:

style.css contains the CSS style classes that determine how the menu is rendered.


Defines the most basic container. Panel renders its children in a simple linear list.

Properties include:

The default orientation is vertical, but can be set to horizontal.


Provides a single- or multi- valued field (similar to Text or ListEditor components, respectively) with search fields below. After a search is executed, Identity Manager displays results beneath the search fields and populates the results into the value field.

Unlike other container components, Selector has a value (the field we are populating with search results). The contained fields are typically search criteria fields. Selector implements a property to display the contents of the search results.

Properties include:

The following properties are valid only in a multi-valued component:

These properties are valid only in a single-valued component:


Arranges components in a grid with an optional row of column titles at the top.

Properties include:


Use to render a tabbed panel that displays a row of tabs as shown below. By default, the tabs are aligned horizontally.

Properties include:

<Field name=’MainTabs’>
   <Display class=’TabPanel’>
     <Property name=’leftTabs’ value=’false’/>
     <Property name=’tabAlignment’ value=’left’/>


Use to create a Panel capable of horizontal alignment.


Use to create a table whose contents can be sorted by column header.Child components determine the content of this table. Create one child component per column (defined by the columns property). Columns are typically contained within a FieldLoop.

This component respects the align, valign, and width properties of the children components when rendering the table cells.

Properties include:

For example, if the SortingTable component displays the results of a query containing editable items, to ensure that Identity Manager displays the results page that contains the edited item after the user has edited an item in the result table, enter a value that exceeds 0.


Use to render one of several child components (typically EditForms) that use wizard-style Next and Previous buttons to navigate between components.

Properties include: