Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Import an External Workflow

To use a remediation workflow that is not currently available from Identity Manager, import the external workflow. You can create custom workflows using an XML editor or the Identity Manager IDE.

  1. Set authType=’AuditorAdminTask’ and add subtype=’SUBTYPE_REMEDIATION_WORKFLOW’. You can use the Identity Manager IDE or your XML editor of choice to set these configuration objects.

  2. Import the workflow by using the Import Exchange File option.

    1. Log in to the Administrator interface ( Logging in to the Identity Manager End-User Interface ).

    2. Click the Configure tab, then click the Import Exchange File subtab or menu.

      The Import Exchange File page opens.

    3. Browse to the workflow file to upload, then click Import.

      After you have successfully imported the workflow, it appears in the Audit Policy Wizard (Creating an Audit Policy) Remediation Workflow list of options.