Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Search Transactions

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Server Tasks -> Service Provider Transactions.

    The Service Provider Transaction Search page opens, allowing you to specify search conditions.

    Note –

    The search returns only transactions that match all of the conditions selected below. This is similar to the Accounts -> Find Users page.

  2. Configure your search.

    Choose one or more of the following options:

    • User Name. Allows you to search for transactions that apply only to users with the accountId that you enter.

      Note –

      If you have configured any Customized queryable user attributes on the Service Provider Transaction Configuration page, then they appear here. For example, you could choose to search based on Last Name or Full Name if these were configured as customized queryable user attributes.

    • Type. Allows you to search for transactions of the selected type or types.

    • State. Allows you to search for transactions in the following selected state or states:

      • Unattempted transactions have not yet been attempted.

      • Pending retry transactions have been attempted one or more times, have had one or more errors, and are scheduled to be retried up to the retry limits configured for the individual resources.

      • Success transactions have completed successfully.

      • Failure transactions have completed with one or more failures.

    • Attempts. Allows you to search for transactions based on how many times they have been attempted. Failed transactions are retried up to the retry limits configured for the individual resources

    • Submitted. Allows you to search for transactions based on when they were initially submitted in increments of hours, minutes, or days.

    • Completed. Allows you to search for transactions based on when they were completed in increments of hours, minutes, or days.

    • Cancelled Status. Allows you to search for transactions based on whether or not they have already been cancelled.

    • Transaction ID. Allows you to search for transactions based on their unique id. Use this option to find a transaction based on the id value you enter, which appears in all audit log records.

    • Running On. Allows you to search for transactions based on the Service Provider server where they are running. The server’s identifier is based on its machine name unless it has been overridden in the file.

    • Limit the search to results to first number of entries selected from the list. Only results up to the specified limit are returned. No indication is made if additional results are available.

    Figure 17–8 Search Transactions

    Figure showing the Service Provider Transaction Search

  3. Click Search.

    The search results are displayed.

  4. You can click Download All Matched Transactions at the bottom of the results page to save the results to an XML formatted file.

    Note –

    To cancel transactions returned in the search results, select the transaction in the results table and click Cancel Selected. You cannot cancel transactions that have completed or have already been cancelled.