Sun Identity Manager 8.1 System Administrator's Guide

Tuning Identity Manager Performance

Suggestions for optimizing Identity Manager’s performance are organized into the following areas:

General Performance Tunings

In general, you can optimize Identity Manager performance if you do the following:

Tuning Active Sync Adapter Performance

Because synchronization is a background task, how you configure an Active Sync adapter can affect server performance.

Use the Resources list to manage Active Sync adapters. Choose an Active Sync adapter and access start, stop, and status refresh control actions from the Synchronization section of the Resource Actions list.

To improve Active Sync adapter performance, do the following:

Tuning Bulk Loading

To improve performance during bulk load operations, do the following:

Tuning Configurable XML Objects

Configurable XML objects offer a broad spectrum of user interface specifications that enable you to define how data is presented to users for different tasks and to automate complex business processes. However, this same flexibility can affect efficiency, performance, and reliability.

This section describes some guidelines for tuning Identity Manager’s configurable XML objects, which consist of forms, rules, and workflows. The information is organized into the following sections:

Tuning Forms

You can use Identity Manager forms to define interfaces to interact with views or variable contexts in an executing task. Forms also provide an execution context for business and transformation logic on a set of data elements. Although you can create very powerful, dynamic forms that perform a variety of tasks, reducing the complexity of forms increases efficiency.

The following sections describe some methods for improving the performance of your customized forms:

Optimizing New Forms

When designing new Identity Manager forms, system integrators can optimize a form’s performance by doing the following:

Optimizing Administrator Forms

To improve the performance of administrator forms, do the following:

Optimizing End-User Forms

To improve the performance of end-user forms, do the following:

Optimizing Expressions in Form Fields

Some activities performed in forms call resources that are external to Identity Manager. Accessing these resources can affect Identity Manager performance, especially if the results contain long lists of values, such as compiling a list of groups or email distribution lists.

To improve performance during these calls, follow the guidelines in “Using a Java Class to Obtain Field Data” in Sun Identity Manager Deployment Reference.

Also, avoid using JavaScriptTM in performance-critical expressions such as <Disable> expressions. Short XPRESS expressions are easier to debug if you use the built-in tracing facilities. Use JavaScript for complex logic in workflow actions.

If a form is slow to display, you can use the debug/Show_Timings.jsp page to determine the problem. Look for calls to Formconvert.convertField(). This method shows how long each field took to compute its value.

Tuning Rules

You use Identity Manager rules to encapsulate constants and XPRESS logic that can be reused in forms, workflows, and other configurable components in the product.

When writing rules, use the following guidelines (as applicable) to obtain optimal performance:

Tuning Workflows

You customize Identity Manager workflows to facilitate and automate complex business processes with various human and electronic touchpoints.

You can use the following methods to improve custom workflow performance:

Tuning WorkItems (ManualActions)

The number and size of WorkItems (indicated by ManualActions in a workflow) can affect memory and system performance significantly. By default, Identity Manager copies an entire workflow context into a WorkItem, then writes the workflow context back out after submission.

To improve performance for WorkItems and ManualActions do the following:

Tuning Database Statistics

As a database administrator, you should frequently run statistics to monitor your repository database.

Performance problems are often caused by bad or missing database table statistics. Fixing this problem improves performance for both the database and Identity Manager performance.

See the following Oracle articles for more information:

Also consider using SQL Profiles, which is another method for choosing the best query plans. You can use the SQL Advisor within Enterprise Manager to create these profiles when you identify poorly performing SQL.

Tuning Data Exporter

Data Exporter enables you to export new, changed, or deleted Identity Manager data to an external repository that is suitable for reporting or analytic work. The actual exporting of data is done in batches, where each type of data to be exported is able to specify its own export cycle. The data to be exported comes from the Identity Manager repository and, depending on the length of the export cycle and the amount of changed data, the volume of exported data can be large.

Some Identity Manager data types are queued into a special table for later export. Specifically, WorkflowActivity and ResourceAccount data is queued because this data is not persisted otherwise. Any persisted data type can also be queued if the warehouse needs to see all changes to the type, or if the type has a lifecycle that does not correspond to the export cycle, such as TaskInstance and WorkItem data.

To maximize performance, only queue and export the types of data that you require in the warehouse. Data exporting is disabled by default, but if you enable data exporting, it exports all data types. Turn off any data types that you do not need.

When the export task exports data, the task attempts to complete the export as quickly as possible, using multiple threads to achieve as much throughput as possible. Depending on the I/O speed of the Identity Manager repository and the warehouse, the export task can fully utilize the processors on the Identity Manager server, which causes any interactive performance to degrade. Ideally, the export should occur on a machine dedicated to that task or at least occur during periods when there is no interactive activity on the machine.

The export task supports the following tuning parameters:

The drain thread count is the most important throughput. If a large number of records are in the queue table, increasing the number of threads (up to 24) tends to increase throughput. However, if the queue is dominated by one type of record, fewer drain threads might actually be faster. The export task attempts to divide the queue table contents into as many sets as there are threads allocated, and to give each thread a set to drain. Note that these threads are in addition to the drain threads that are draining the other repository tables.

Tuning the General XML

You can usually optimize the general XML by using static XMLObject declarations wherever possible. For example, use:

Also, depending on the context, you might have to wrap objects instead of using the <o></o> element.

Tuning Sun Identity Manager Service Provider

You can use Identity Manager dashboard graphs to quickly assess the current system, spot abnormalities, and understand historical trends (such as concurrent users or resource operations over a time period) for SunTM Identity Manager Service Provider(Service Provider).

Note –

Service Provider does not have an Administrator interface. You use the Identity Manager Administrator interface to perform almost all administrative tasks (such as viewing dashboard graphs).

For more information about tuning Service Provider see Sun Identity Manager Service Provider 8.1 Deployment.

Tuning the Identity Manager Web Interface

When you are working with the Identity Manager Web Interface, you can optimize performance by using the OpenSPML toolkit that is co-packaged with Identity Manager.

Note –

Using the openspml.jar file from the web site might cause memory leaks.

Tuning Initial Loads

    To improve performance during a large, initial user load, follow this procedure:

  1. Disable all Audit Events from the Identity Manager Administrator interface.

    Note –

    Audit Logging can add several records per operation, making future audit reports perform more slowly.

    1. Choose Configure -> Audit.

    2. On the Audit Configuration page, deselect the Enable auditing box and click Save.

  2. Disable the list cache by shutting down the web server or by changing the ChangeNotifier.updateSearchIntervalCount property (on the debug/Show_WSProp.jsp debug page) to 0..

    The list cache keeps lists of users in frequently accessed organizations in memory. To maintain these lists, the list cache searches for and checks all newly created users.

  3. Clear the current list cache on the debug/Clear_List_Cache.jsp page.

  4. Ensure that the workflow being used to process the users does not contain approvals.

  5. Use alternative load methods, which include:

    • Splitting the load and running the data in zones

    • Using bulk loads, which are much faster

    • Loading from a file

  6. Disable Data Exporter for the WorkflowActivity type.

Tuning Memory Requirements

You must determine your memory needs and set values in your application server’s JVM by adding maximum and minimum heap size to the Java command line. For example:

java -Xmx512M -Xms512M

To improve performance do the following:

Note –

The specifies the maximum number of bytes that a posted file (for example by using an HTML FileSelect control) might contain without being spooled to the disk. For cases where you do not have permission to write to temporary files, increase the to avoid having to spool to the disk. The default value is 8 Kbytes.

For additional information about system requirements, see the Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Release Notes.

Tuning Operating System Kernels

For information about tuning SolarisTM and Linux operating system kernels, see the “Tuning the Operating System” chapter in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition Performance Tuning Guide.

For information about tuning Oracle operating system kernels, see the product documentation provided with your Oracle system.

Tuning Provisioner

Network latency tends to be a common cause for performance issues when dealing with view provisioning. Tracing individual resource adapters can help you determine what is causing performance problems.

To improve provisioner performance, do the following:

Tuning Reconciliation

The Reconciler is the Identity Manager component that performs reconciliation. This section suggests methods for improving Reconciler performance, including:

General Suggestions for Tuning Reconciliation

In general, you can improve Reconciler performance if you do the following:

Tuning the Reconciler Server Settings

Although the default settings are usually adequate, you can sometimes improve Reconciler performance if you adjust the following settings on the Edit Server Settings page:

During idle times, the threads stop if they have no work to do, but only down to the minimum number of threads specified. As the load increases, the Reconciler adds more threads until the maximum number of threads is reached. The Reconciler never has less than the minimum number of threads or more than the maximum.

Generally, more threads allow more concurrency. However, at some point, too many threads can put too much load on the machine or just do not provide additional benefit.

Note –

Recommending generic, optimal settings is not possible because deployments are so different. Reconciler settings must be adjusted differently for each deployment environment.

ProcedureTo Change the Reconciler Server Settings

Perform the following steps to change the Reconciler server settings:

  1. Log into the Administrator interface.

  2. Click the Configure -> Servers -> Reconciler tabs.

  3. When the Edit Server Settings page is displayed, adjust the settings as necessary.

    See Editing Default Server Settings for more information.

Tuning Reconciliation for Multiple Resources

If you are configuring reconciliation for multiple resources in Identity Manager, you have several options:

An ideal solution does not exist for this configuration because deployments are so different. You might have to mix and match these options to find an acceptable solution for your deployment.

Preparing a usage survey, based on the business reasons behind this functionality, might help you decide how to proceed.

Address these questions:

Also, remember that the reconciliation server does not have to be one of the pools that handles web traffic. You can add a server that you never interact with directly because this server exists solely for transaction processing. Having a server dedicated to transaction processing might make the first option more attractive for very large systems.

Tuning Resource Queries

Note –

Network latency tends to be a common cause of performance issues during view provisioning. Tracing individual resource adapters can help you determine what is causing performance problems.

You can improve resource query performance if you use FormUtil.getResourceObjects to implement the query.

Use one of the following methods to cache query results:

Note –

Tuning the Scheduler

The Scheduler component controls task scheduling in Identity Manager.

This section suggests methods for improving Scheduler performance, including:

General Suggestions for Tuning the Scheduler

The following TaskDefinition options determine how the Scheduler handles tasks after they are completed:

These default settings are designed to optimize memory by shortening the lifetime of finished Scheduler tasks. Unless there is a compelling reason to change these settings, use the defaults.

If you want to immediately delete tasks that completed successfully, but you also want to keep tasks containing errors long enough to debug, you can do the following:

Tuning the Scheduler Server Settings

You can sometimes improve Scheduler performance by adjusting the following settings on the Edit Server Settings page:

Note –

Recommending generic, optimal settings is not possible because deployments are so different. Scheduler settings must be adjusted differently for each deployment environment.

ProcedureTo Change the Scheduler Server Settings

  1. Log in to the Administrator interface.

  2. Click the Configure -> Servers -> Scheduler tabs.

  3. When the Edit Server Settings page is displayed, adjust the settings as necessary.

    See Editing Default Server Settings for more information.

Tuning Sessions

Identity Manager maintains a least recently used (LRU) cache of authenticated sessions for use by authenticated users. By using existing authenticated sessions, you can speed up repository access for objects and actions that require a session.

To optimize the authentication pool size, change the session.userPoolSize value in the file to the maximum number of expected, concurrent user sessions on the server.

Tuning the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

The Sun Identity Manager Gateway generates a thread for each connection, and uses a different pool for each unique combination of resource type, Gateway host, and Gateway port. The Gateway checks for idle connections every five minutes. When a connection has been idle for 60 seconds, the Gateway closes and removes that connection from the pool.

When the Gateway receives a request, it does the following:

You must configure the maximum number of connections on the resource, and you must configure these connections the same way for all resources of the same type, that are using the same Gateway. For that resource type, the first connection made to the Gateway on a given host and port uses that resource’s maximum connections value.

Note –

When you change the maximum number of connections on a resource, you must start and stop the server for the change to take effect.

The following example shows how connections, requests, and Gateway threads are related.

If you set the maximum number of connections to 10 on an Active Directory resource, and you are using two Identity Manager servers, then you can have up to 20 simultaneous connections (10 from each Identity Manager server) to the Gateway for that Active Directory resource. The Gateway can have 10 simultaneous requests outstanding from each server, and the Gateway processes each request on a different thread. When the number of simultaneous requests exceeds the maximum number of Gateway connections, additional requests are queued until the Gateway completes a request and returns the connection to the pool.

Note –

Although the Gateway code is multi-threaded, this characteristic does not address the APIs or services being used by the Gateway. For Active Directory, the Gateway uses the ADSI interface provided by Microsoft. No investigation has been done to determine whether this interface handles Gateway requests in parallel.

Other methods for improving Gateway performance, include:

Tuning the Task Bar

The Administrator interface task bar displays links to previously performed provisioning tasks, which causes the interface to render more slowly when there are a large number of tasks.

To improve interface performance, remove the taskResults.jsp link from each JSP by deleting the <List>...</List> element from the UserUIConfig object.

The following example shows <List>...</List> entries within <TaskBarPages>.

Example 4–1 Modifying the UserUIConfig Object
