Sun Identity Manager 8.1 System Administrator's Guide

Method 3: Pass the trace Operational Attribute

You can enable tracing for an individual SPML RPC request by passing a trace operational attribute to the RPC request on the server side.

Tracing occurs during servlet initialization, and it controls how information is output for the RPC traffic of a servlet handling SPML Version 1.0 requests. For example, the trace prints the raw XML that is sent back and forth on whatever the System.out is for that servlet (which is a function of the Application container). For example:

AddRequest ar = new AddRequest();
 ar.setOperationalAttribute("trace", "true");

When you use the trace attribute, how the attribute affects server operation is vendor-specific. Currently, Identity Manager prints the raw request and response data to the server console, which is useful if the client application is not associated with a console window.

For more information consult your OpenSPML Toolkit product documentation.