Sun Identity Manager 8.1 System Administrator's Guide

Recommended Reading

See the following documents for information related to performance tuning.

Table 4–1 Related Documentation

document Title 


IBM Developer Kit and Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition, Version 5.0 Diagnostics Guide

Explains how to use AIX JVM to diagnose performance problems.  

Java Tuning White Paper

Contains information, techniques, and pointers related to Java performance tuning.  

Oracle MetaLink: Note:114671.1: Gathering Statistics for the Cost Based Optimizer

Explains how to use system statistics and Oracle®’s Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO).

Note: This document is available to Oracle Metalink subscribers. Registration is required.

Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide

Explains how to use DTrace to observe, debug, and tune your system's behavior. 

Sun JavaTM System Application Server Performance Tuning Guide

Describes how to obtain optimal performance from your Sun Java System Application Server. Download the necessary version of this book from the Sun Microsystems documentation web site.

Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java Virtual Machine

Describes how to tune your garbage collection application by using JVM. 

Turbo-charging Java HotSpot Virtual Machine, v1.4.x to Improve the Performance and Scalability of Application Servers

Explains how to download and use the PrintGCStats script and how to collect statistics to derive optimal JVM tunings.

Understanding System Statistics

Describes how Oracle’s Cost-Based Optimizer uses system statistics. 

Using JConsole to Monitor Applications

Describes how to use JConsole to monitor applications that run on the Java platform.