Sun Identity Manager 8.1 System Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Edit the Default Configuration Object

  1. From the Edit Trace Configuration page, click the Trace Enabled box to enable tracing.

    Note –

    Deselecting this box stops tracing, but keeps your configuration. You can turn tracing on and off without having to remember and retype the classes you were tracing.

  2. Specify which classes, packages, or methods to trace by typing their names into the table.

    For example:

    • To trace all classes in the waveset.repository package, enter com.waveset.repository.

    • To trace the AbstractDataStore class in the waveset.repository package, enter com.waveset.repository.AbstractDataStore.

    • To trace the list method in the AbstractDataStore class in the waveset package, enter com.waveset.repository.AbstractDataStore#list.

    Do not enable trace for the com.waveset class. The com.waveset class is verbose and has many classes, so tracing this class might cause your server to hang.

  3. In the same table, choose a Method/Class tracing level from the Level menu.

    Each level captures different types of information, as described in the following table:

    Trace Level 


    Minimum debugging output, traces exceptions and error information only 

    Trace Level 0 events, plus entries and exits for public methods 

    Trace Level 1 events, plus entries and exits for non-public methods 

    Trace Level 2 events, plus decision points and significant variables 

    Maximum debugging output 

    Note –

    Method/Class tracing produces a predictable, but possibly very large volume of trace output. Try to be as specific as possible when specifying methods and classes to trace.

  4. (Optional) To enable subcall tracing, choose a level from the Subcall Trace menu. This menu uses the same trace numbering scale described in the previous table.

    Note –
    • The default Subcall Tracing level is none, which disables subcall tracing on a per-method or per-class basis.

    • Subcall Tracing levels are independent of the Method/Class tracing levels you specified in the previous step.

    When you enable Subcall Tracing for a particular method that supports subcall tracing, you are automatically setting the tracing level for methods that are called by this method. Subcall Tracing enables you to produce a short, but detailed burst of trace output that is triggered by the entry into a specified method and terminated by the method’s exit.

    For example, assume you created a trace configuration setting for the com.waveset.adapter.NewRes#init method, set Method/Class tracing to level one and set Subcall tracing to level three.

    Also, assume that the init method calls two other methods:

    • NewRes#subcallA

    • NewRes#subcallB

      When the init method runs, the com.waveset.adapter.NewRes#init method produces trace output at level one until reaching subcallA. When subcallA begins executing, the trace level changes to three and continues at that level until subcallA exits. The com.waveset.adapter.NewRes#init method returns to the init method and restores the trace level to one. Later, when init calls subcallB, there is another burst of level three trace detail that lasts until subcallB exits. Finally, when init exits, level one tracing stops.

  5. Send the trace results to a specified file location or to stdout.

    If you choose output to a file, the Trace File field displays. Use this field to specify an alternate location and file name for trace output files. The default location and file name is

  6. Specify the maximum number of trace files to store (default is 2).

  7. Specify the maximum size for each file (default is 512K).

  8. Specify whether to write the trace output file as generated (synchronously) or to queue the data and then write it to the trace file (asynchronously).

  9. Save your changes.