The following administrative privileges are required for this adapter:
CRT: To add an OS/400 user, the administrator must have (1) *SECADM special authority, (2) *USE authority to the initial program, initial menu, job description, message queue, output queue, and attention-key-handling program if specified, and (3) *CHANGE and object management authorities to the group profile and supplemental group profiles, if specified.
CHG: You must have *SECADM special authority, and *OBJMGT and *USE authorities to the user profile being changed, can specify this command. *USE authority to the current library, program, menu, job description, message queue, print device, output queue, or ATTN key handling program is required to specify these parameters.
DLT: The user must have use (*USE) and object existence (*OBJEXIST) authority to the user profile. The user must have existence, use, and delete authorities to delete a message queue associated with and owned by the user profile. The user profile cannot be deleted if a user is currently running under the profile, or if it owns any objects and OWNOBJOPT(*NODLT) is specified. All objects in the user profile must first either be transferred to new owners by using the Change Object Owner (CHGOBJOWN) command or be deleted from the system. This can also be accomplished by specifying OWNOBJOPT(*DLT) to delete the objects or OWNOBJOPT(*CHGOWN user-profile-name) to change the ownership. Authority granted to the user does not have to be specifically revoked by the Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT) command; it is automatically revoked when the user profile is deleted.
DSP: The user name can be specified as USRPRF(*ALL) or USRPRF(generic*-user-name) only when TYPE(*BASIC) and OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) are specified.