Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

Tuning Your Application Server

The following guidelines are provided to help you tune your application server:

Note –

Other than heap size, you can use the default parameter settings for most application servers. You might want to modify the server’s heap size, depending on the release being used.

Tuning a Sun Java System Application Server

The “Tuning the Application Server” chapter, in the latest Sun Java System Application Server Performance Tuning Guide, contains information about tuning a Sun Java System Application Server. This document is available from the following URL at

In addition, if you are using Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 Enterprise Edition, the following changes solve “concurrent mode failures,” and should give you better and more predictable performance:

You might have to adjust this value further.

Tuning a WebSphere Application Server

If you are tuning Waveset on an IBM WebSphere application server, consider limiting how much memory is allocated for the heap because heap memory can affect the memory used by threads.

If many threads are created simultaneously and the heap size increases, the application’s space limit can be quickly impacted and the following error results:
