Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

int Token

The int token captures an account attribute that is an integer. The attribute name and integer value will be added to the account attribute map. The parse position will be advanced to the first character after the integer.





The name of the attribute to use in the attribute value map. The name is usually the same as a resource user attribute on the schema map on the resource adapter, but this is not a requirement. 


Indicates the exact length of the expected integer. The length can have the following values: 

  • 1 or higher captures the specified number of characters and checks to see if the text is an integer value or if it matches the characters specified in the noval attribute.

  • -1 indicates the parser will take the longest string of digits starting at the current parse position unless the next characters equal the noval attribute. This is the default value.


Optional. A label on the screen that indicates the attribute does not have an integer value. Essentially, it is a null value indicator. The parse position will be advanced to the first character after the noval string.




Procedureint Token Examples

  1. The following token matches a 6-digit integer and puts integer value of those digits into the attribute value map for the SALARY attribute.

    <int name=’SALARY’ len=’6’/>

    If the value 010250 is found, AttrParse adds SALARY=10250 to the value map.

  2. The following token matches any number of digits and adds that integer value to the attribute map for the AGE attribute.

    <int name=’AGE’ len=’-1’ noval=’NOT GIVEN’/>

    If the value 34 is found, for example, AGE=34 would be added to the attribute map. For string NOT GIVEN, a value will not be added to the attribute map for the AGE attribute.