Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

Account Attributes

The Account Attributes page, or schema map, maps Waveset account attributes to resource account attributes. The list of attributes varies for each resource. You should remove all unused attributes from the schema map page. If you add attributes, you will probably need to edit user forms or other code.

The Waveset User Attributes can be used in rules, forms, and other Waveset-specific functions. The Resource User Attributes are used only when the adapter communicates with the resource.

Waveset supports the following types of account attributes:

Note –

Binary attributes include graphic files, audio files, and certificates. Most resources do not support binary account attributes. Currently, only certain directory, flat file, and database adapters can process binary attributes. In your forms and workflows, make sure you do not attempt to push binary attributes to resources that do not support them. Consult the “Account Attributes” section of the adapter documentation to determine if binary attributes are supported for your adapter.

In addition, keep the file size for any file referenced in a binary attribute as small as possible. Loading extremely large graphics files, for example, can cause the performance of Waveset to decrease.

Most adapters do not support binary account attributes. Some adapters support binary attributes, such as graphics, audio, and certificates. Consult the “Account Attributes” section of the adapter documentation to determine if it is supported for your adapter.

name is a reserved word in views and should not be used as an Identity System User Attribute on resource schema maps.