Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

Usage Notes


See Business Administrator's Guide for more information about Remedy integration.

If you do not enable the Active Sync functionality, then the Remedy adapter automates the integration of Remedy tickets into a Waveset workflow.

If you use the Active Sync functionality, then the adapter can be configured to support the following features:

With Active Sync, the Remedy adapter uses the Update Search Filter, Last Fetched Conjunction, and Last Fetched Filter resource parameters to determine which tickets are returned. The Update Search Filter or Last Fetched Filter, or both, should be used.

The Update Search Filter parameter is an optional parameter that contains an executable Remedy search expression. This parameter can contain any valid search expression that can be entered in the Advanced Search Criteria of the Remedy User application. (Valid search expressions can contain fields, selection values, and keywords.) The adapter does not attempt to check the validity of the search expression.

The following examples illustrate search expressions that would work with the Help Desk Cases sample form provided with the Remedy User application.

Note –

Remedy field names are enclosed in single quotation marks, while values are enclosed in double quotation marks.

If the Last Fetched Filter parameter is used, then the Last Fetched Conjunction parameter must also be specified. The Last Fetched Conjection parameter may contain one of the following values:

The Last Fetched Filter parameter specifies another Remedy search expression, but this expression can contain one or more user attributes defined in Waveset. This feature allows you to construct an expression that compares values returned in a previous poll to values returned in the current poll. For example, if the Case ID+ field on your Remedy form contains an ID that is unique for every ticket, then this value can be compared on each poll. If the value is higher on the current poll than on the previous poll, then return information about the ticket. The following expression illustrates this feature:

’Case ID+’ > "$(caseId)"

The value specified between the parentheses must be a Waveset User Attribute defined on the schema map page. The $(caseId) token will be replaced with the value returned on the previous poll. An example value might be HD0000045.

Note –

The first time the adapter polls, the Last Fetched Filter is not applied, because there are no previously fetched values. The filter will be run in all subsequent polls.

The adapter concatenates the Update search filter, Last Fetched Conjunction, and Last Fetched Filter resource parameters and sends a search expression similar to the following:

’Status’ = "New" AND ’Case ID+’ > "HD00000045"

Gateway Timeouts

The Remedy adapter allows you to use the RA_HANGTIMEOUT resource attribute to specify a timeout value, in seconds. This attribute controls how long before a request to the gateway times out and is considered hung.

You must manually add this attribute to the Resource object as follows:

<ResourceAttribute name=’Hang Timeout’ displayName=’com.waveset.adapter.
RAMessages:RESATTR_HANGTIMEOUT’ type=’int’ description=’com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:

The default value for this attribute is 0, indicating that Waveset will not check for a hung connection.