Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

Usage Notes

The Linux resource adapters primarily provide support for the following commands:

For more information about supported attributes and files, refer to the Linux manual pages for these commands.

When a rename of a user account is executed on a Linux resource, the group memberships are moved to the new user names. The user's home directory is also renamed if the following conditions are true:

The Bourne-compliant shell (sh, ksh) must be used as the root shell when connecting to a Linux resource.

The administrative account that manages Linux accounts must use the English (en) or C locale. This can be configured in the user's .profile file. Do note use control characters (for example, 0x00, 0x7f) in user passwords.

In environments in which NIS is implemented, you can increase performance during bulk provisioning by implementing the following features: