Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

ProcedureRun-Time Adapter Actions

  1. Loads the script from the ResourceAction corresponding to the current provisioning action (such as create, delete, or update).

  2. Prepares the necessary Java input objects to make them available to the script.

  3. Invokes the script.

  4. Processes the result returned (or exceptions/errors) from the script.

    The remainder of these Usage Notes describes the Scripted JDBC adapter provisioning actions and the expected behavior for a script assigned to each provisioning action.

    Scripts should never close the JDBC Connection that is passed to them. The adapter automatically closes the connection at the appropriate time.

    See the file hierarchy under sample/ScriptedJdbc folder.

    Each example subfolder (SimpleTable, MultiValue, and StoredProc) contains a README.txt file that explains the set of files used in that example.

    The Scripted JDBC adapter supports end-user scripting for the following provisioning actions:





    Create a new user 

    No, but if not provided, you cannot create users 


    Delete an existing user 

    No, but if not provided, you cannot delete users 


    Natively disable an existing user 

    No, but if not provided, you cannot natively disable users 


    Natively enable an existing user 

    No, but if not provided, you cannot natively enable users 


    Return an object used to perform iteration of existing users. 

    No, but if you do not provide either getAccountIterator or listAll, you cannot perform account iteration


    Return an object used to perform Active Sync iteration 

    No, but if not provided, Active Sync is not supported 


    Perform a custom test during Test Configuration 



    Fetch attributes for an existing user 

    No, but if not provided, user actions are not supported 


    Return a list of existing user (or other object type) IDs 

    No, but if you do not provide getAccountIterator or listAll, you cannot perform account iteration


    Update attributes, rename, or change password of an existing user 

    No, but if not provided, you cannot modify, rename, or change user passwords, or create a user and set his password. (If you don't define an action for update user, then when you create a user, the password is null.) 


    Verify user ID and password 

    No, but required to perform pass-through authentication 

    Every action script receives an actionContext map, as defined by the java.util.Map class. The possible map content varies for each action.

    For additional information about the actions listed in the previous table, see the following sections in this chapter:

    In addition to a description of these action, each section provides the following information:

    • Context. This section describes the set of entries that are available in the actionContext map the adapter adds into the JavaScript execution context before the script executes.

    • Error Handling. This section describes how the script is expected to handle abnormal or error conditions.