Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

Waveset Tracing

Waveset provides the following types of tracing for connector performance:

Note –

Tracing of local Java connectors can be limited on a class level only. This differs from the method-level tracing supported for other classes. Waveset does not support the ability to manage tracing on remote connectors.

API-Layer Tracing

Use this level of tracing to determine whether the problem is within Waveset or the connector itself. This trace method works for both remote and local connectors. To enable connector API-level tracing, enable level 4 Waveset tracing for class org.identityconnectors.framework.impl.api.LoggingProxy. This type of tracing focuses on the arguments and return values of every connector API method call.

Java Connector-Specific Tracing

Use this level of tracing to troubleshoot problems within a connector. This trace method works only for local Java connectors. To implement, enable Waveset tracing for the connector Java classes (for example, org.identityconnectors.datebasetable.DatabaseTableConnector). It traces all log calls made by the connector code into the Waveset trace file.

Java Connector Framework Tracing

To implement, enable Waveset tracing for the connector Java classes (or example, org.identityconnectorsframework.*). This trace method works with all log calls made internally by the framework implementation classes.

.NET Tracing

.NET connectors call the standard .NET trace API. No centralized tracing control by Waveset. You cannot view .NET trace files from within Waveset. You must edit the local connector server configuration file to configure .NET tracing.