Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

ProcedureIdentifying Attributes for Provisioning to a Siebel Environment

  1. Open the Siebel Tools’ Object Explorer.

  2. Click the Business Component icon.

  3. Scroll down or create a query to select the desired business component.

  4. Select Fields within the Object Explorer.

    A list of fields available to the bus-iness component should display.

    The field Name column values shown in the Object Explorer are typically used for the right-hand side (or the Resource User Attribute), within the schema map of your configured Siebel CRM resource.

    In general, you can manage any of these fields to some degree. However, if you want to manage a multi-valued field or a pick-list field, you must specify a different format for the right-hand side of the schema map, as follows:

    • For a multi-valued field: The right-hand side must use the field@@keyAttr format, where:

      • field represents the name of the multi-valued field

      • keyAttr represents the name of a field within the associated multi-valued business component used to uniquely identify each member of the multi-valued list.

        For example: Position@@Name

    • For a pick list field: The right-hand side must use the field!!keyAttr format, where:

      • field represents the name of the pick list field

      • keyAttr represents the name of a field within the associated pick-list business component used to uniquely identify a member of the pick list.

        For example: Employee Organization!!Name