Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Types of Data Loading

Data loading is the process of importing account information from resources into Waveset and assigning these accounts to Waveset users. Waveset supports the following features that load account data from resources:

Each of these concepts is discussed in detail. A table comparing the types of data loading can be found in Summary of Data Loading Types.


The discovery processes are designed to be used when a resource is being deployed for the first time. They provide a means to load account information into Waveset quickly. As a result, they do not provide all the features found in reconciliation or Active Sync. For example, the discovery process does not add entries to the Account Index. Nor can you run workflows before or after discovery. However, the discovery processes allow you to determine more quickly whether correlation rules are working as expected.

When you begin a discovery process, Waveset determines whether an input account matches (or correlates with) an existing user. If it does, the discovery process merges the account into the user. The process will create a new Waveset user from any input account that does not match.

Waveset provides the following discovery functions:

See the following sections for more information about these discovery processes.

Load from File

The Load from File discovery process reads account information that has been written into an XML or CSV (comma-separated values) file.

Some resources, such as Active Directory, have the ability to export native account information into a comma-separated values (CSV) format. These CSV files can be used to create Waveset accounts. See Business Administrator's Guide for more information about CSV formatting.

When you load from a file, you must specify which account correlation and confirmation rules to use. See Correlation and Confirmation Rules for more information.

Load from Resource

The Load from Resource feature scans a target system and returns information on all users. Waveset then creates and updates users. An adapter must have been configured for the resource before you can load from the resource.

When you load from a resource, you must specify which account correlation and confirmation rules to use. See Correlation and Confirmation Rules for more information.

Create Bulk Action

Bulk actions allow you to act on multiple accounts at the same time. You can use bulk actions to create, update, and delete Waveset and resource accounts, but this discussion will be limited to Waveset creating accounts. See Business Administrator's Guide for a full description of bulk actions.

Bulk actions are specified using comma-separated values (CSV). The structure of these values differs from those specified in a Load from File process.

The CSV format consists of two or more input lines. Each line consists of a list of values separated by commas. The first line contains field names. The remaining lines each correspond to an action to be performed on an Waveset user, the user’s resource accounts, or both. Each line should contain the same number of values. Empty values will leave the corresponding field value unchanged.

Two fields are required in any bulk action CSV input:

The third and subsequent fields are from the User view. The field names used are the path expressions for the attributes in the views. See Understanding the User View in Deployment Reference for information on the attributes that are available in the User View. If you are using a customized User Form, then the field names in the form contain some of the path expressions that you can use.

Following is a list of some of the more common path expressions used in bulk actions:

Some fields can have multiple values. For example, the waveset.resources field can be used to assign multiple resources to a user. You can use the vertical bar (|) character (also known as the “pipe” character), to separate multiple values in a field. The syntax for multiple values can be specified like this:

value0 | value1 [ | value2 ... ]

The following example illustrates Create bulk actions:

Create,John Doe,AD|Solaris,changeit,changeit,John Doe,John Doe
Create,Jane Smith,AD,changeit,changeit,Jane Smith,

The Create bulk action is more versatile than the from Load from File process. Bulk actions can work with multiple resources, while Load from File loads information from one resource at a time.


Reconciliation compares the contents of the account index to what each resource currently contains. Reconciliation can perform the following functions:

Note –

An adapter must have been configured for the resource before you can reconcile. See Resource Reference for more information about adapters.

There are two types of reconciliation: full and incremental.

Full Reconciliation

Full reconciliation recalculates the existence, ownership, and situation for each account ID listed by the adapter. It examines each Waveset user that claims the resource to recalculate ownership.

An Waveset user can claim a resource by:

For each account, reconciliation process confirms that any Waveset owner recorded in the Account Index still exists and still claims the account. Any account that does not have an owner is correlated with Waveset users (as long as reconciliation policy for that resource specifies a correlation rule). If a correlation rule suggests one or more possible owners, then each of them will be double-checked in a confirmation rule (if one is specified). See Correlation and Confirmation Rulesfor more information about rules.

Once a situation has been determined for the account, reconciliation will perform any response that is configured in the reconciliation policy for that resource. If the reconciliation policy specifies a workflow to be performed per-account, full reconciliation will perform this for each account that is reconciled, after the situation action is performed. See Reconciliation Workflows for more information about workflows.

Incremental Reconciliation

Incremental reconciliation is analogous to incremental backup: it is faster than full reconciliation, and does most of what you need, but is not as complete as full reconciliation.

Incremental reconciliation trusts that the information maintained in the account index is correct. Trusting that the list of known account IDs is correct, and that ownership of the account by any Waveset owner is correctly recorded, allows incremental reconciliation to skip or shorten several processing phases.

Incremental reconciliation skips the step of examining Waveset users that claim the resource. Incremental reconciliation also calculates a situation only for accounts that have been added or deleted since the resource was last reconciled. It does this by comparing the list of account IDs in the account index for that resource to the list of account IDs returned by the resource adapter. New accounts are recorded as existing, deleted accounts are recorded as no longer existing, and only these two sets of accounts are processed further.

Because incremental reconciliation is much faster and uses fewer processing cycles than full reconciliation, you may want to schedule incremental reconciliation more frequently and schedule full reconciliation less often.

Active Sync

Active Sync “listens” or polls for changes to a resource, detecting incremental changes in real time. Because Active Sync is designed to detect changes, it should not be used to load account information into Waveset for the first time. Instead, use reconciliation or a discovery process.

In general, you run reconciliation on an Active Sync resource in the following circumstances:

Active Sync differs from reconciliation in the following ways:

Active Sync requires the use of an Active Sync-enabled adapter that has been properly configured. See Business Administrator's Guide for more information about configuring a resource to implement Active Sync.

Summary of Data Loading Types

The following table compares the capabilities of discovery and reconciliation.

Table 3–1 Summary of Data Loading Types




Active Sync 

Detect new accounts 




Detect deleted accounts 




Detect changes in account attribute values 




Detect accounts that are not associated with Waveset users 




Detect when a user has been moved from one container on a resource to another container on a resource 




Correlate accounts with Waveset users 




Run a workflow in response to each account situation that it detects 




Can be scheduled 




Incremental mode 



Not applicable 

Add entries to the account index 




Synchronize attributes on multiple resources 


