Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Export Schema

The export schema defines what data can be written to the warehouse. By default, it is limited to a subset of the ObjectClass schema, although the difference between the two is very small. The ObjectClass schema is represented by Java objects, but the export schema must have a bi-directional mapping between Java objects and RDBMS tables.

After you have added an extended attribute to the IDMSchemaConfiguration object, you must define the same attribute in the export schema, which is defined in the $WSHOME/model-export.xml file. Locate the Role or User model in this file and add a field element that defines the attribute. The field element can contain the following parameters.

Table 5–2 Export attribute parameters




The name of the attribute. This value must match the name assigned in the IDMSchemaConfiguration object.


The data type of the attribute. You must specify the full Java class name, such as java.lang.String or java.util.List.


Optional. Specifies the release that the attribute was added to the schema. 


The label that is displayed on the Data Exporter configuration pages. 


If the type parameter is java.util.List, then this parameter specifies the data type of the items in the list. Common values include java.lang.String and com.sun.idm.object.ReferenceBean.


If the elementType parameter is com.sun.idm.object.ReferenceBean, then this parameter references to another Waveset object or pseudo-object.


Indicates the attribute is used to determine relationships. Possible values are User and Role.


When set to false, the attribute is not exported. If you want to hide a default attribute from the Data Exporter data type configuration page, add exported=’false’ to the attribute definition.

You must create a custom WIC library to be able to export an attribute in the default schema that has exporting disabled. 


When set to false, the field is not available for forensic queries. 


The maximum length of a value. 

The following example adds an extended attribute named telno to the export schema as part of the User model:

<field name=’telno’
   friendlyName=’Telephone Number’>
   <description>The phone number assigned to the user.</description>