Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Using the Account Index

The Account Index records the last known state of each resource account known to Waveset. It is primarily maintained by reconciliation, but other Waveset functions will also update the Account Index, as needed.

Note –

Load from resource, load from file, and bulk actions do not update the Account Index.

To view the account index, click the Resources tab, then click the Account Index link on the left. Then navigate to a resource to display the status of all accounts on that resource.

When you right-click on an uncorrelated account (represented in the Account Index table with a situation of “UNMATCHED” and an Owner of “_UNKNOWN_”), Waveset displays a menu that presents you with the options of creating a new Waveset user account, running reconciliation on a single account using the reconciliation policy in effect for the resource, specifying an owner, or deleting or disabling the resource account. If you select the “Specify Owner” option, Waveset displays a screen that allows you to search for owners that might criteria that you specify. Refer to Business Administrator's Guide for more information.