Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Tracing and Logging

The default WIC code uses Hibernate to provide object/RDBMS mapping for the exported data objects, but using the Hibernate library means the tracing and logging is not fully integrated. The actual WIC code can be traced by using the com.sun.idm.warehouse.* package. However, enabling Hibernate logging requires a different technique.

To pass a Hibernate property to the code that initiates the Hibernate sessions, add an attribute to the DatabaseConnection configuration object. You must prefix the attribute name with an “X”. For example, if the native property name is hibernate.show_sql, you must define it in the configuration object as Xhibernate.show_sql. The following example causes Hibernate to print any generated SQL to the application server’s standard output.

<Attribute name=’Xhibernate.show_sql’ value=’true’>

By default, Hibernate uses C3P0 for connection pooling. C3P0 uses the java.logging facility for its logging, which is controlled by the $JRE/lib/ file.