Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Miscellaneous Changes: User Section of the File

The user section of the System Configuration object file includes options for the User Interface.

Disable the Forgot Your Password? button by setting disableForgotPassword to true.

The workflowResults attribute contains attributes for customizing the display of workflows for non-administrative users, as indicated below.

Table 8–4 Attributes for Customizing Workflows for Non-Administrative Users




Controls whether the workflow diagram is displayed in the anonymous user workflow status pages (anonProcessStatus.jsp).


Controls whether the hostname is included in workflow status pages for end-users (processStatus.jsp).


Controls whether workflow diagrams is displayed to all non-anonymous users (processStatus.jsp).

Example 8–5 Customizing Workflows for Non-Administrative Users

<Attribute name=’user’> 
      <Attribute name=’disableForgotPassword’> 
      <Attribute name=’workflowResults’> 
            <Attribute name=’anonSuppressReports’> 
            <Attribute name=’suppressHostName’> 
            <Attribute name=’suppressReports’> 

To block the display of password and authentication question answers, set obfuscateAnswers to true. This setting causes answers to be displayed as asterisks in both the Administrator Interface and User Interface.

<Attribute name="obfuscateAnswers">