Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Chapter 10 Developing Custom Adapters

Waveset’s open architecture enables you to create custom resource adapters to manage external resources that are not already supported by the resource adapters provided with Waveset. These custom adapters define essential characteristics and methods needed to transform requests from Waveset into actions performed on a resource.

This chapter describes how to create, test, and load a custom Waveset resource adapter. This information is organized as follows:

Note –

Waveset contains sample adapters or skeleton adapters that are intended to be used as a basis for creating custom adapters. To enhance your understanding of these valuable starter files, this chapter uses them frequently to exemplify particular characteristics of resource adapter files.

Before You Begin

Review the information in these sections before you start developing custom adapters:

Intended Audience

This chapter provides background information about resource adapter design and operation for:

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with creating and using the built-in Waveset resources and that you have read the Resources chapter of Business Administrator's Guide.

Important Notes

Be sure to read the following information before trying to write custom resource adapters for Waveset:

Related Documentation

In addition to the information provided in this chapter, see the following publications related to resource adapters.

Table 10–1 Related Documentation

Publication Title 


Resource Reference

Describes how to load and synchronize account information from a resource into Oracle Waveset. 

Business Administrator's Guide

Contains additional information about customizing and managing resources supplied by Waveset. 

You can download these publications from

What is a Resource Adapter?

A resource adapter serves as a proxy between Waveset and an external resource, such as an application or database. The adapter defines the essential characteristics of the resource type, and this information is saved in the Waveset repository as a resource object. Waveset resource adapters are standard or Active Sync-enabled adapters.

This section contains the following topics:

What Are Standard Resource Adapters?

Standard resource adapters provide a generic interface to resource types that are supported by Waveset; such as Web servers, Web applications, databases, and even legacy applications and operating systems. In Java terms, standard resource adapters extend the ResourceAdapterBase class.

These adapters push account information changes from Waveset to their managed, external resources and typically perform the following administrative activities:

Standard resource adapters generally follow these steps when pushing information from Waveset to the resource managed by Waveset:

  1. Waveset server initializes the resource manager.

    All available resource types are registered through the Resource Adapter interface. As part of the registration process, the resource adapter provides a prototype XML definition.

  2. User initiates process of creating a new resource.

    When an Waveset administrator creates a new resource, the task that creates the form to display the resource type’s prototype definition is queried for the resource attribute fields. Waveset uses these attributes to display a form in the browser. The user who is creating the new resource fills in the information and clicks Save.

  3. Waveset saves the information provided, along with the other resource fields in the resource object repository under the name of the new resource object.

    When the user clicks Save during resource creation, the creation task gathers the entered data, executes any necessary validation, then serializes the data using XML before writing the serialized object to the object repository.

  4. Waveset displays the list of available resources in a multi-selection box when an Waveset user is created or modified.

    Selecting a resource causes Waveset to query the resource object for the available account attribute fields. Waveset uses these field descriptions to display a form that contains the attribute fields, which the user can fill in with the appropriate data.

  5. The resource object is queried for the connection information when this form is saved, and a connection is established with the resource.

  6. The adapter sends the command to perform the intended action on the account on the resource over this connection.

  7. If this request is a create request, the adapter updates the Waveset user object with the resource account information.

    When user account information is displayed, Waveset requests the list of resources on which the user has accounts from the saved account object. For each resource, Waveset queries the resource object and uses the connection information to establish a connection to the resource.

    The adapter sends a command over this connection to retrieve account information for the user, and it uses the retrieved information to fill in the attribute fields that are defined in the resource object. The system creates a form to display these values.

What Are Active Sync-Enabled Resource Adapters?

Active Sync-enabled adapters are an extension of a standard resource adapter and they are used to implement the Active Sync interface for some common resources, such as Active Directory. These adapters pull data changes directly from the resource to initiate the following activities in Waveset:

Active Sync-enabled adapters are particularly suitable for supporting the following resource types:

Active Sync-enabled adapters generally follow these steps when listening or polling for changes to the resource managed by Waveset. When the adapter detects that a resource has changed, the Active Sync-enabled adapter:

  1. Extracts the changed information from the resource.

  2. Determines which Waveset object is affected.

  3. Builds a map of user attributes to pass to the IAPIFactory.getIAPI method, along with a reference to the adapter and a map of any additional options, which creates an Identity Application Programming Interface (IAPI) object.

  4. Sets the logger on the IAPI event to the adapter’s Active Sync logger.

  5. Submits the IAPI object to the Active Sync Manager.

  6. Active Sync Manager processes the IAPI object and returns a WavesetResult object to the adapter. The WavesetResult object informs the Active Sync-enabled adapter if the operation succeeds.

    The WavesetResult object might contain many results from the various steps the Waveset system used to update the identity. Typically, a workflow also handles errors within Waveset, often ending up as an Approval for a managing administrator.

  7. Exceptions are logged in the Active Sync and Waveset tracing logs with the ActiveSyncUtil.logResourceException method.

    When Active Sync-enabled adapters detect a change to an account on a resource, the adapter maps the incoming attributes to an Waveset user or, if the adapter cannot match the user account, creates an Waveset user account.

The following rules and parameters determine what happens when a change is detected.



Confirmation Rule

Rule that is evaluated for all users returned by a correlation rule. For each user, the full User view of the correlation Waveset identity and the resource account information (placed under the “account.” namespace) are passed to the confirmation rule. The confirmation rule is then expected to return a value which may be expressed like a Boolean value. For example, “true” or “1” or “yes” and “false” or “0” or null. 

For the Database Table, Flat File, and PeopleSoft Component Active Sync adapters, the default confirmation rule is inherited from the reconciliation policy on the resource. 

The same confirmation rule can be used for reconciliation and Active Sync. 

Correlation Rule

If no Waveset user’s resource information is determined to own the resource account, the Correlation Rule is invoked to determine a list of potentially matching users/accountIDs or attribute conditions, used to match the user, based on the resource account attributes (in the account namespace).

Returns one of the following types of information that can be used to correlate the entry with an existing Waveset account: 

  • Waveset user name

  • WSAttributes object (used for attribute-based search)

  • List of AttributeCondition or WSAttribute-type items (AND-ed attribute-based search)

  • List of String-type items (each item is the Waveset ID or the user name of an Waveset account)

    If more than one Waveset account can be identified by the correlation rule, a confirmation rule or resolve process rule is required to handle the matches.

    For the Database Table, Flat File, and PeopleSoft Component Active Sync adapters, the default correlation rule is inherited from the reconciliation policy on the resource.

    The same correlation rule can be used for reconciliation and Active Sync.

Create Unmatched Accounts

If set to true, creates an account on the resource when no matching Waveset user is found. If false, the account is not created unless the process rule is set and the workflow it identifies determines that a new account is warranted. The default is true.

Delete Rule

A rule that can expect a map of all values with keys of the form activeSync. or account. pulled from an entry or line in the flat file. A LighthouseContext object (display.session) based on the proxy administrator’s session is made available to the context of the rule. The rule is then expected to return a value which may be expressed like a Boolean value. For example, “true” or “1” or “yes” and “false” or “0” or null.

If the rule returns true for an entry, the account deletion request will be processed through forms and workflow, depending on how the adapter is configured.

Populate Global

If set to true, populates the global namespace in addition to the ActiveSync namespace. The default value is false.

Process Rule

Either the name of a TaskDefinition or a rule that returns the name of a TaskDefinition, to run for every record in the feed. The Process rule gets the resource account attributes in the Active Sync namespace, as well as the resource ID and name.

A Process rule controls all functionality that occurs when the system detects any change on the resource. It is used when full control of the account processing is required. As a result, a process rule overrides all other rules.

If a Process rule is specified, the process will be run for every row regardless of any other settings on this adapter. 

At minimum, a process rule must perform the following functions: 

  • Query for a matching User view.

  • If the User exists, checkout the view. If not, create the User.

  • Update or populate the view.

  • Checkin the User view.

    It is possible to synchronize objects other than User, such as LDAP Roles.

Resolve Process Rule

Name of the TaskDefinition or a rule that returns the name of a TaskDefinition to run in case of multiple matches to a record in the feed. The Resolve Process rule gets the resource account attributes as well as the resource ID and name.

This rule is also needed if there were no matches and Create Unmatched Accounts was not selected. 

This workflow can be a process that prompts an administrator for manual action. 

Note –

If present, a Process rule determines whether the adapter uses IAPIProcess or attempts to use IAPIUser. If the adapter cannot use IAPIUser because a Correlation or Confirmation rule does not uniquely identify an Waveset user for the event (given the other parameter settings), and a Resolve Process rule is configured, the adapter uses the Resolve Process rule to create an IAPIProcess event. Otherwise, the adapter reports an error condition.

IAPIUser checks out a view and makes this view available to the User form.

However, a User view is not checked out or available with IAPIProcess. Either a Process rule has been set or a Resolve Process rule is invoked.

What is a Resource Object?

Resource objects define the capabilities and configuration of the resource you are managing in Waveset, including the information described in the following table.

Table 10–2 Information Defined by Resource Objects

Type of Information 

Sample Attributes  

Connection information

  • Host name

  • Administrative account name

  • Administrative account Password

User attributes

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Phone numbers

Waveset attributes

  • List of approvers

  • Password policy for the resource

  • How many times to repeat attempts when contacting the resource

You must define a resource object in Waveset for every resource that Waveset communicates with or manages.

Note –

You can view resource objects from Waveset’s Debug pages:



What is a Resource Adapter Class?

A resource adapter class implements methods that

Preparing for Adapter Development

Some preparation is necessary before you actually start writing a custom adapter. This section describes how to prepare for adapter development, and the tasks include:

Become Familiar with Adapter Source Code

Before you can create a custom adapter, you must become familiar with the components in a resource adapter’s source code. This section describes the following components, which are common to most adapters:

Standard Java Header Information

Standard Java header information identifies the parent class of the new adapter class file you are creating, constructors, and imported files.

This header information is representative of the standard Java files (including public class declaration and class constructors). You must edit the sections of the file that list the constructors and public classes, and, if necessary, the imported files.

PrototypeXML String

The prototypeXML string in the adapter Java file is the XML definition of a resource. This string must contain the resource name and all of the resource attributes that you want to display in the Waveset user interface. The prototypeXML string also defines resource objects stored in the Waveset repository.

The following table describes the different prototypeXML information types that you use to define a resource in Waveset.

Note –

Some of these information types are specific to Active Sync-enabled adapters.

Table 10–3 prototypeXML Information Types




Defines top-level characteristics of the resource. Keywords include: 

  • syncSource: If true, then adapter must be Active Sync-enabled.

  • facets: Specifies the modes enabled for this resource.

Resource attributes

XML elements that are defined with the <ResourceAttribute> element and used by Waveset to configure the resource.

For more information, see Resource Attributes.

Account attributes

Defines the default schema map for basic user attributes. 

You use the <AccountAttribute> element to define account attributes. You map standard Waveset account attribute types differently than you map custom attributes.

For more information about mapping account attributes to resource attributes, see Map the Attributes.

Identity template

Defines how the account name for the user is built. Use the <Template> tag to define this template. Account names are typically in one of the following forms:

  • An accountId is typically used for resources with a flat namespace such as Oracle.

  • A complete distinguished name (DN) of the user in the form: cn=accountId,ou=sub-org,ou=org,o=company. Use this form for hierarchical namespaces such as directories.

    For more information, see Identity Template.

Login configuration

(Standard resource adapter only) Defines values to support pass-through authentication for the resource. Use the <LoginConfigEntry> element to define this value.

For more information about pass-through authentication, see the Resource Reference. 


(Active Sync-enabled adapters only) Designates a form object that processes data from the Active Sync-enabled adapter before the data is integrated into Waveset. A form is optional, but in most cases a form provides flexible changes in the future and can be used to transform incoming data, map data to other user attributes on other resource accounts, and cause other actions in Waveset to occur.

Resource Attributes

Only available to Administrators defining the resource.

Resource attributes define the connection information on the resource being managed. Resource attributes typically include the resource host name, resource administrator name and password, and the container information for directory-based resources. Waveset attributes such as the list of resource approvers and the number of times to retry operations on the resource are also considered resource attributes.

When writing custom adapters, you use resource attributes to define:

You can modify these values from the Waveset interface when creating a specific instance of this resource type.

Defining Resource Attributes

You use the <ResourceAttribute> element, as shown in the following example, to define resource attributes in the prototypeXML string of the adapter Java file:

<ResourceAttribute name=’"+RA_HOST+"’ type=’string’ multi=’false’\n"+
description=’&lt;b&gt;host&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;Enter the resource host name.’>\n"+

Where the description field identifies the item-level help for the RA_HOST field and must not contain the < character. In the preceding example, the < characters are replaced by &lt; and &apos;.

The following table describes the keywords you can use in <ResourceAttribute> element.

Table 10–4 <ResourceAttribute> Element Keywords




Identifies the name of the attribute. 

NOTE: The name keyword is a reserved word in views and should not be used as a Identity System User Attribute on resource schema maps.


Identifies the data type used. 


Specifies whether multiple values can be accepted for the attribute. If true, a multi-line box displays.


Identifies the item-level help for the RA_HOST field. Waveset displays help with the item being described (host in this case) in bold text. Because the HTML brackets necessary to do this (< and >) interfere with XML parsing, they are replaced by &lt; and &gt;. After the binary is translated, the description value looks like:

Description=’<b>host</b> Enter the resource host name.’


Specifies the usage of this resource attribute. Valid values are 

  • provision: Used in standard processing (default value).

  • activesync: Used in Active Sync processing for an Active Sync-enabled adapter.

The ResourceAttribute> element may also contain a ValidationPolicy element. A validation policy ensures the value a user specifies on the Resource Parameters page meets the requirements defined in a separate policy object.

The following sample causes the adapter to use the Port Policy to ensure the specified value is valid. The default Port Policy checks the value is an integer between 1 and 65536.

 <ResourceAttribute name='Port' value='123'>
      <ObjectRef type='Policy' id='#ID#PortPolicy' name='Port Policy'/>

Overwriting Resource Attributes

When you are working with resource adapters and adapter parameters, you can use one of the following strategies to overwrite resource attributes:

In the following example, the user form must override the resource attribute value for template during the creation of each user. When implementing similar code in a production environment, you would probably include more detailed logic to calculate this template value within your user form.

Example 10–1 Overwriting the Resource Attribute Value for template

<Field name=’template’>
   <Display class=’Text’>
      <Property name=’title’ value=’NDS User Template’/>
<!-- Change NDS for the name of your NDS resource -->
<!-- Template is the name of the attribute field, as viewed in the resource xml -->
<Field name=’accounts[NDS].resourceAttributes.Template’>

Required Resource Attributes

The following table describes required resource attributes that are supplied in the skeleton adapter files.

Table 10–5 Resource Attributes in Skeleton Adapter Files

Required Resource Attribute 



Resource host name. This attribute corresponds to the Host field on the Resource Parameters page. 


Port number used to communicate with the resource. This attribute corresponds to the Port field on the Resource Parameters page. 


Name of a user account that has permission to connect to the resource. The field name varies on the Resource Parameters page. 


Password for the account specified by RA_USER. This attribute corresponds to the Host field on the Resource Parameters page.

The next table describes required Active Sync-specific attributes that are defined in the ACTIVE_SYNC_STD_RES_ATTRS_XML string of the Active Sync class.

Table 10–6 Active Sync-Specific Attributes Defined in ACTIVE_SYNC_STD_RES_ATTRS_XML

Required Resource Attribute  



Waveset administrator for authorization and logging. This attribute corresponds to the Proxy Administrator field in the Waveset display. You do not define this value in the adapter Java file. Instead, an administrator enters this information when defining a specific instance of this resource type. 


Form that processes incoming attributes and maps them to view attributes. This attribute corresponds to the Input Form field. 


Specifies the number of log files to retain. 

  • If you specify 0, then a single log file is re-used.

  • If you specify -1, then log files are never discarded.


Specifies the maximum time before a log file is archived. 

  • If you specify zero, then no time-based archival occurs.

  • If the RA_MAX_ARCHIVES value is zero, then the active log is truncated and reused after this time period.


Specify seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Use this value with RA_MAX_AGE_LENGTH.


Logging level (0 disabled; 4 very verbose). This attribute corresponds to the Log Level field in the Waveset display. 


Absolute or relative path for the log file. This attribute corresponds to the Log File Path field in the Waveset display. 


Maximum log file size. This attribute corresponds to the Maximum Log File Size field in the Waveset display. 


Pop-up menu of the supported scheduling intervals (second, minute, hour, day, week, month). 


Number of intervals between scheduled periods (for example, 10 minutes has an interval count of 10 and an interval of minute). Not necessary for Active Sync-enabled adapters. 


Time of the day to run. For example, if you specify 13:00 and set the interval to week, the adapter runs at 1 P.M. once a week. Not necessary for Active Sync-enabled adapters. 


Date to start scheduling. Setting date to 20020601, the interval to month, and the time to 13:00 starts the adapter on June 1st and runs once a month at 1 P.M. Not necessary for Active Sync-enabled adapters.

This table describes required Active Sync-specific attributes that are defined in the ACTIVE_SYNC_EVENT_RES_ATTRS_XML string of the Active Sync class.

Table 10–7 Active Sync-Specific Attributes Defined in ACTIVE_SYNC_EVENT_RES_ATTRS_XML

Required Resource Attribute 



Name of a TaskDefinition or a rule that returns the name of a TaskDefinition to run for every record in the feed. This attribute overrides all others.


Rule that returns a list of strings of potentially matching users/accountIDs, based on the resource account attributes in the account namespace. 


Rule that confirms whether a user is a match. 


Rule that determines whether a delete detected on the resource is processed as an IAPI delete event, or as an IAPI update event. 


  • If set to true, creates unmatched accounts.

  • If false, do not create the account unless the process rule is set and the workflow it identifies determines that a create is warranted. Default is true.


Rule that determines the workflow to run when there are multiple matches using the confirmation rule on the results of the correlation rule. 


Indicates whether to populate the global namespace in addition to the activeSync namespace. Default is false.

Waveset Account Attributes

Only available to Administrators defining the resource.

Waveset account attributes describe the default user attributes supported for the resource.

With an Active Sync-enabled adapter, account attributes are the attributes that are available to update the Waveset user account. The Active Sync-enabled adapter collects these attributes and stores them in the global area for the input form.

Waveset supports the following types of account attributes:

Binary attributes include graphic files, audio files, or certificates. Not all adapters support binary account attributes. Generally, only certain directory, flat file, and database adapters can process binary attributes.

Note –

You define Waveset account attributes in the AttributeDefinition object of the resource’s schema map, and use the prototypeXML string in the adapter file to map incoming resource attributes to account attributes in Waveset. For example, you would map the LDAP sn resource attribute to the lastname attribute in Waveset. Waveset account attributes include

Standard Adapter Schema Maps

You use the Account Attributes page, or schema map, to map Waveset account attributes to resource account attributes. The list of attributes varies for each resource. You generally remove all unused attributes from the schema map page. If you add attributes, you will probably need to edit user forms or other code.

The attribute mappings specified in the resource schema map determine which account attributes can be requested when you are creating a user. Based on the role selected for a user, you will be prompted for a set of account attributes that are the union of attributes of all resources in the selected role.

Note –

To view or edit the Waveset schema for users or roles, you must be a member of the IDM Schema Configuration AdminGroup and you must have the IDM Schema Configuration capability.

Active Sync-Enabled Adapter Schema Maps

The Active Sync resource schema map is an optional utility that enables you to edit inputs to an Active Sync-enabled adapter, which are often database column names or directory attribute names. Using the schema map and an Active Sync form, you can implement Java code to handle a resource type, defining details of the resource configuration in the map and form.

Waveset uses an Active Sync resource’s schema map in the same way that it uses a typical schema map. The schema map specifies which attributes to fetch from the resource and their local names. All attribute names that are listed in the schema map (that is, all attributes that exist on the resource) are made available to the Active Sync form and the user form with the attribute. If the Active Sync resource does not use a form, all attributes are named global to ensure that all attributes automatically propagate to attributes with the same name on all resources. Use a form rather than the global namespace.

Tip –

Do not put the accountId attribute in the global namespace because this special attribute is used to identify

If you are creating the resource account for the first time, the accountId attribute also becomes a resource’s accountId directly and it bypasses the identity template.

For example, if a new Waveset user is created through the Active Sync-enabled adapter and that user has an LDAP account assigned to it, the LDAP accountID will match the global.accountId instead of the correct DN from the DN template.

Using the Schema Map

After creating a resource instance, administrators can subsequently use a schema map to:

You can view Waveset account attributes from the Edit Schema page in the Waveset user interface by clicking the Edit Schema button located at the bottom of the Edit/Create Residenource page.

For more information about creating a resource or editing a resource schema map, see the Business Administrator's Guide.

Identity Template

Note –

An identity template is only available to Administrators who are defining the resource.

To view or edit the Waveset schema for Users or Roles, you must be a member of the IDM Schema Configuration AdminGroup and you must have the IDM Schema Configuration capability.

You use the identity template (or account DN) to define a user’s default account name syntax when creating the account on the resource. The identity template translates the Waveset user account information to account information on the external resource.

You can use any schema map attribute (an attribute listed on the left side of the schema map) in the identity template, and you can overwrite the user identity template from the User form, which is commonly done to substitute organization names.

Waveset users have an identity for each of their accounts, and this identity can be the same for some or for all of these accounts. The system sets the identity for an account when the account is provisioned. The Waveset user object maintains a mapping between a user’s identities and the resources to which they correspond.

The user has a primary accountId in Waveset that is used as a key and as a separate accountId for each of the resources on which that user has an account. The accountId is denoted in the form of accountId:<resource name>, as shown in the following table.

Table 10–8 accountID Examples











Account user names are in one of two forms:

Flat Namespaces

You typically use the accountId attribute for systems with a flat namespace, which include:

For resources with flat namespaces, the identity template can simply specify that the Waveset account name be used.

Hierarchical Namespaces

You use distinguished names (DNs) for systems with a hierarchical namespace. DNs can include the account name, organizational units, and organizations.

Account name syntax is especially important for hierarchical namespaces. For resources with hierarchical namespaces, the identity template can be more complicated than that of a flat namespace, which allows you to build the full, hierarchical name. The following table shows examples of hierarchical namespaces and how they represent DNs.

Table 10–9 Hierarchical Namespace Examples


Distinguished Name String 



Novell NDS 


Microsoft Windows 2000 


For example, you can specify the following for a resource identity template with a hierarchical namespace such as LDAP:



Login Configuration

Login Configuration defines parameters that are used if you are going to use the resource for pass-through authentication. Typically, these parameters are username and password, but some resources use different parameters. For example, SecurId uses user name and passcode.

The Login Configuration information type helps define the resource, but it is not easily modified by administrators.

For more information about pass-through authentication, see Enabling Pass-Through Authentication for Resource Types and the Resource Reference.

Resource Methods

Resource methods write information from Waveset into the external resource.

Note –

You must be familiar with the resource to write customized methods.

You categorize resource methods by task. When developing your own custom adapters, you must determine which categories your adapter needs to meet the goals of your development. For example,

How you answer these questions determines which resource methods must be completed.

The following table describes resource methods categories. (Additional information about each functional category is discussed later in this chapter.)

Table 10–10 Resource Methods Categories




Provide the basic methods for connecting to the resource and performing simple actions 

Bulk operations 

Provide bulk operations to get all the users from the resource 

Active Sync 

Provides the methods to schedule the adapter. 

Object management 

Provides the methods to manage groups and organizations on your resources. Helps define the resource, but is not easily modified by administrators.

In Active Sync-enabled adapters, resource methods

Considerations for Standard Resource Adapters

The following considerations are specific to account attributes in standard resource adapters:

User Identity Template

Note –

To view or edit the Waveset schema for Users or Roles you must be a member of the IDM Schema Configuration AdminGroup and you must have the IDM Schema Configuration capability.

The user identity template establishes the account name to use when creating the account on the resource. This template translates Waveset user account information to account information on the external resource.

You can use any schema map attribute (an attribute listed on the left side of the schema map) in the identity template.

You can overwrite the user identity template from the User form, which is commonly done to substitute organization names.

Creating an Identity Template Out of Multiple User Attributes

You can create an identity template out of a portion of multiple user attributes. For example, a template might consist of the first letter of the first name plus seven characters of the last name. In this case, you can customize the user form to perform the desired logic and then override the identity template that is defined on the resource.

Login Configuration and Pass-Through Authentication

The <LoginConfigEntry> element specifies the name and type of login module as well as the set of authentication properties required by this resource type to complete successful user authentication.

The <LoginConfig> and <SupportedApplications> sections of the adapter file specify whether the resource will be included in the options list on the Login Module configuration pages. Do not change this section of the file if you want the resource to appear in the options list.

Each <AuthnProperty> element contains the following attributes.

Table 10–11 <AuthnProperty> Element Attributes




Specifies the source for the value of this property. Data sources for this property value include: 

  • user (Default): Value provided by the user at login time.

  • http attribute: Value provided by the specified http session attribute.

  • http header: Value provided by the specified http header.

  • http remote user: Value provided by the http request’s remote user property.

  • http request: Value provided by the specified http request parameter.

  • resource attribute (Active Directory only): Value allows you to specify an extra authentication attribute for the specific adapter. This attribute is only valid for the resource on which it is defined, and it cannot be manipulated by the user.

  • x509 certificate: Value is the X509 client certificate (only valid for requests made using https).


Specifies the value to use when this property is added as an HTML item to the Login form. 


Specifies whether to map to a LoginConfigEntry.


Specifies the data type that can be either text or password. This type is used to control whether data input in the HTML field associated with this property is visible (text) or not (password)


Specifies whether this property value should be mapped to the Waveset accountID. For example, a property should not be mapped if the property value is an X509 certificate.


Identifies the internal authentication property name. 

User management across forests is only possible when multiple gateways, one for each forest, are deployed. In this case, you can configure the adapters to use a predefined domain for authentication per adapter without requiring the user to specify a domain as follows:

ProcedureTo Manage Users Across Forests

  1. Add the following authentication property to the <AuthnProperties> element in the resource object’s XML:

    <AuthnProperty name=’w2k_domain’ dataSource=’resource attribute’ value=’MyDomainName’/>

  2. Replace MyDomainName with the domain that authenticates users.

    Note –

    For more information about this property, see the Active Directory resource adapter documentation in Resource Reference.

    Most resource login modules support both the Waveset Administrative interface and User interface. The following example shows how implements the <LoginConfigEntry> element:

    <LoginConfigEntry name=’"+Constants.WS_RESOURCE_LOGIN_MODULE+"’ type=’"+RESOURCE_NAME+"’ 
      "  <AuthnProperties>\n"+
      "     <AuthnProperty name=’"+LOGIN_USER+"’ displayName=’"+DISPLAY_USER+"’ formFieldType=’text’ isId=’true’/>\n"+
      "     <AuthnProperty name=’"+LOGIN_PASSWORD+"’ displayName=’"+DISPLAY_PASSWORD+"’ formFieldType=’password’/>\n"+
      "  </AuthnProperties>\n"+
      "  <SupportedApplications>\n"+
      "     <SupportedApplication name=’"+Constants.ADMINCONSOLE+"’/>\n"+
      "     <SupportedApplication name=’"+Constants.SELFPROVISION+"’/>\n"+
      "  </SupportedApplications>\n"+

    The following example defines the supported LoginModule DATA_SOURCE options. In this example, a LoginConfig entry is taken from the LDAP resource adapter supplied by Waveset. The entry defines two authentication properties whose dataSource value, if not specified, is supplied by the user.

    public static final String USER_DATA_SOURCE = "user";
    public static final String HTTP_REMOTE_USER_DATA_SOURCE = "http remote user";
    public static final String HTTP_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_SOURCE = "http attribute";
    public static final String HTTP_REQUEST_DATA_SOURCE = "http request";
    public static final String HTTP_HEADER_DATA_SOURCE = "http header";
    public static final String HTTPS_X509_CERTIFICATE_DATA_SOURCE = "x509 certificate";
    " <LoginConfigEntry name=’"+WS_RESOURCE_LOGIN_MODULE+"’
    " <AuthnProperties>\n"+
    " <AuthnProperty name=’"+LDAP_UID+"’ displayName=’"+Messages.UI_USERID_LABEL+"’
    formFieldType=’text’ isId=’true’/>\n"+
    " <AuthnProperty name=’"+LDAP_PASSWORD+"’
    " </AuthnProperties>\n"+
    " </LoginConfigEntry>\n"+

    The next example shows a Login Config entry where the authentication property’s dataSource value is not supplied by the user. In this case, the value is derived from the HTTP request header.

    " <LoginConfigEntry name=’"+Constants.WS_RESOURCE_LOGIN_MODULE+"’
    |type=’"+RESOURCE_NAME+"’ displayName=’"+RESOURCE_LOGIN_MODULE+"’>\n"+
    " <AuthnProperties>\n"+
    " <AuthnProperty name=’"+LOGIN_USER+"’ displayName=’"+DISPLAY_USER+"’
    formFieldType=’text’ isId=’true’ dataSource=’http header’/>\n"+
    " </AuthnProperties>\n"+|
    " </LoginConfigEntry>\n"+

Example Object Resource Attribute Declaration

The following example shows how prototypeXML defines fields displayed on the Create/Edit Resource page.

Example 10–2 prototypeXML Defining Fields Displayed on Create/Edit Resource Page

   <ResourceAttribute name=’Host’ description=’The host name running the resource
      agent.’ multi=’false’ value=’n’>
   <ResourceAttribute name=’TCP Port’ description=’The TCP/IP port used to communicate
      with the LDAP server.’ multi=’false’ value=’9278’>
   <ResourceAttribute name=’user’ description=’The administrator user name with which
      the system should authenticate.’ multi=’false’ value=’Administrator’>
   <ResourceAttribute name=’password’ type=’encrypted’ description=’The password that
      should be used when authenticating.’ multi=’false’ value=’VhXrkGkfDKw=’>
   <ResourceAttribute name=’domain’ description=’The name of the domain in which
      accounts will be created.’ multi=’false’ value=’AD’>

The Waveset Administrative interface displays the resource attributes for the default resource as specified.

Profile the Resource

The following sections describe how to profile and define prerequisites for standard resource adapters and Active Sync-enabled adapters.

Profiling a Standard Resource Adapter

Use the following information to create a profile and define prerequisites for a standard resource adapter:

Profiling an Active Sync-Enabled Resource Adapter

When profiling an Active Sync-Enabled resource adapter, use the following information in addition to the considerations described in Profiling a Standard Resource Adapter:

Decide Which Classes and Methods to Include

After profiling the resource, identify classes and methods needed in your adapter:

Review the REF Kit

The Sun Resource Extension Facility Kit (REF Kit) is supplied in the /REF directory on the Waveset CD or install image. You can use the sample files and other tools in this REF Kit to jump-start the process of creating your own custom adapter.

The following table describes the contents of the REF Kit.

Table 10–12 REF Kit Components






Sample custom audit publishers. 



Warehouse interface code source code that allows you to rebuild the warehouse interface to let Data Exporter export to something other than the warehouse relational database. 



Generated javadoc that describes the classes you need to write a custom adapter. To view the javadoc, point your browser to:




Jar files that you need to compile and test a custom adapter. 



Examples of commonly developed resource adapter source files and skeleton files to use as a basis for adapter development and testing, including:

  • for Database accounts

  • for Database tables

  • for File-based accounts

  • for simple methods when developing custom LDAP resource adapters

  • for complex changes when developing custom LDAP resource adapters

  • for developing UNIX accounts

  • for standard resources

  • for standard and Active Sync-enabled resources

  • for Active Sync-only resources

  • to create unit tests for a custom adapter



Sample resource adapter test source files that you can use as a basis for a custom adapter. 






Sample implementation of a transactionsigner PKCS11KeyProvider.



Outlines information you must collect before you customize an adapter. 



Sample Ant Build script for building, testing, and distributing a project.



Document that describes the basic architecture and design of a resource adapter. 



Document describing the Waveset REF Kit.


Copy of the properties file you need to test a custom adapter. 

Set Up the Build Environment

This section contains instructions for setting up your build environment.


You must install the JDK version required for your Waveset version. See “Supported Software and Environments” in the Waveset Release Notes for information.

After installing the JDK, you must install the REF Kit by copying the entire /REF directory to your system.

On Windows

If you are working on Microsoft Windows operating system, use the following steps to set up your build environment:

ProcedureTo Set Up Your Build Environment in Windows

  1. Change directories to a new directory.

  2. Create a file called ws.bat.

  3. Add the following lines to this file:

    set WSHOME=<Path where REF Kit is installed>
    set JAVA_HOME=<Path where JDK is installed>
    set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin

    Where you set:

    • JAVA_HOME to the path to where the JDK is installed.

    • WSHOME to the path to where the REF Kit is installed.

  4. Save and close the file.


If you are working on a UNIX operating system, use the following steps to set up your build environment:

ProcedureTo Set Up Your Build Environment in UNIX

  1. Change directories to a new directory.

  2. Create a file called

  3. Add the following lines to this file:


    Where you set:

    • WSHOME to the path to where the REF Kit is installed.

    • JAVA_HOME to the path to where JDK is installed.

  4. Save and close the file.

Writing Custom Adapters

After finishing the preparation work described in Preparing for Adapter Development you are ready to start writing your custom adapter.

This section describes how to write a custom adapter, including:

Process Overview

The following sections provide a high-level overview of the steps you perform to create a custom adapter:

How To Write a Standard Resource Adapter

This section describes the processes to follow when creating a standard adapter or an Active Sync-enabled adapter.

Note –

The steps for writing a standard adapter are slightly different based on which operating system you are using.

ProcedureTo Create a Standard Adapter:

  1. Open a command window and go to the following directory:


  2. Rename the skeleton file to a file name of your choice. See Rename the Skeleton File for more information.

  3. Edit the new adapter’s source file as described in Edit the Source File.

  4. Source the file you created previously to set up your environment:

    • For Windows: Source the ws.bat file.

    • For UNIX: Source the file.

  5. Type the following command to compile your source files:

    • For Windows: javac -d . -classpath %CLASSPATH%

    • For UNIX: javac -d . -classpath $CLASSPATH

How To Write an Active Sync-Enabled Resource Adapter

This section describes the general steps you follow to create a custom Active Sync-Enabled adapter on the Microsoft Windows operating system.

ProcedureTo Create a Custom Active Sync-Enabled Adapter

  1. Open a command window and change to the following directory:


  2. Rename (or copy) one of the following skeleton files to a file name of your choice. See Rename the Skeleton File for more information.

    • (for standard and Active Sync-enabled resources)

    • (for Active Sync-only resources)

  3. Edit the new adapter’s source file as described in Edit the Source File.

  4. Source the file you created previously to set up your environment:

    • For Windows: Source the ws.bat file.

    • For UNIX: Source the file.

  5. Type the following command to compile your source files:

    • For Windows: javac -d . -classpath %CLASSPATH%

    • For UNIX: javac -d . -classpath $CLASSPATH

Rename the Skeleton File

You must rename the skeleton adapter to a name that is appropriate for your new adapter. Perform the following actions:

Edit the Source File

After renaming the skeleton file, you must edit the new adapter’s source code to replace specific text strings and to define default values you want the adapter to support.

ProcedureTo Edit the Source File

  1. Search for, and replace, the following text strings to determine where you must make adapter-specific modifications in the code.

    • change-value-here strings indicate where you must enter a substitution.

    • @todo strings indicates where you must rewrite a method for a particular scenario you are supporting.

  2. Name the resource adapter type.

    This name displays in the New Resources menu in the Waveset Administrator interface.

  3. Map the incoming resource attributes to Waveset account attributes by replacing default values in the prototypeXML string with your own default values for this adapter type. For example, you might want to delete the RA_GROUPS attribute from your adapter type.

    See Map the Attributes for more information.

  4. Add or delete methods from the skeleton file. In particular, you must add Java code to support join, leave, and move operations, which are not supported in this example file.

    See Write the Adapter Methods for more information.

  5. After editing the adapter file, you can load it into Waveset.

Map the Attributes

Generally, you set options for the adapter type by mapping the incoming resource attributes to the standard Waveset account attributes or by creating your own custom attributes (called extended schema attributes).

Your resource must define resource attributes and set default values for resource attributes for which it makes sense to have default. The resource does not have to present the prototypeXML object.

Note –

The attributes in SkeletonActiveSyncResourceAdapter are mandatory. Do not delete these attribute definitions when customizing the file.

Mapping Resource Attributes to Standard Account Attributes

To map incoming resource attributes to one of the standard Waveset account attributes, use the syntax shown in the following example.

Example 10–3 Mapping a Resource Attribute

"<AccountAttributeTypes>\n"+ <AccountAttributeType name=’accountId’ mapName=’change-value-here’
mapType=’string’ required=’true’>\n"+ "<AttributeDefinitionRef>\nt"+  <ObjectRef type=’AttributeDefinition’
name=’accountId’/>\n"+ "</AttributeDefinitionRef>\n"+ "</AccountAttributeType>\n"+


Table 10–13 <AttributeDefinitionRef> Element Fields

Element Field  



Identifies the Waveset account attribute to which the resource attribute is being mapped. (The left column on the resource schema page in the Waveset User Interface.) 


Identifies the name of the incoming resource attribute. When editing the skeleton file, replace change-value-here with the resource attribute name.


Identifies the incoming attribute type, which can be string, int, or encrypted. 

For more information on mapping resource attributes to account attributes, see Map the Attributes.

Mapping Resource Attributes to Extended Schema Attributes

To map incoming resource attributes to attributes other than a standard Waveset attribute, you must create an extended schema attribute. The following example illustrates how to map a resource attribute to an extended schema attribute.

Example 10–4 Mapping a Resource Attribute to an Extended Schema Attribute

<AccountAttributeType name=’HomeDirectory’ type=’string’ mapName=’HomeDirectory’
mapType=’string’>\n"+ </AccountAttributeType>\n"+

You do not have to declare an ObjectRef type. The mapName field identifies the custom account attribute HomeDirectory. You define the mapType field the same as you would when mapping an attribute to a standard account attribute.

Specify the Identity Template

You must use an identity template (or an account DN) to uniquely identify every user and group in your enterprise.

DNs display on the following Waveset User interface pages:

For more information about identity templates, see Identity Template.

Write the Adapter Methods

The Waveset adapter interface provides general methods that you must customize to suit your particular environment. This section briefly describes:

How to Write Standard Resource Adapter-Specific Methods

Standard resource adapter-specific methods are specific to the resource you are updating to synchronize with Waveset.

The body of a resource adapter consists of resource-specific methods. Consequently, the resource adapter provides methods that are only generic placeholders for the specific methods that you will write.

This section describes how the methods used to implement operations are categorized. The information is organized into the following sections:

Note –

When writing a custom adapter

Creating the Prototype Resource

The following table describes the methods used to create a Resource instance.

Table 10–14 Methods Used to Create a Resource Instance




Creates a Resource instance, usually from the predefined prototypeXML string defined in the resource adapter. Because it is a static method, it can be called knowing only the path to the Java class which is the resource adapter.


A local method that can be executed only if you already have an instance of a Java object of the resource adapter class. Typically, the implementation of createPrototypeResource() is to just call the staticCreatePrototypeResource() method.

If extending an existing adapter, you can add resource attributes to specify different default values programmatically based on the super class’s prototype resource. 

Connecting with the Resource

The following methods are responsible for establishing connections and disconnections as an authorized user. All resource adapters must implement these methods.

Checking Connections and Operations

ResourceAdapterBase provides methods that you can use to check the validity of an operation, such as whether the connection to the resource is working, before the adapter attempts the actual operation.

The following table describes methods you can use to verify that your adapter is communicating with the resource and that the authorized account has access.

Table 10–15 Methods Used to Check Communication




Checks to see if an account can be created on the resource. The following features can be checked: 

  • Can basic connectivity to the resource be established?

  • Does the account already exist?

  • Do the account attribute values comply with all (if any) resource-specific restrictions or policies that have not been checked at a higher level?

    This method does not check whether the account already exists. It contains the account attribute information needed to create the user account such as account name, password, and user name.

    After confirming that the account can be created, the method closes the connection to the resource.


Establishes a connection and checks to see if the account can be updated. 

This method receives a user object as input. It contains the account attribute information needed to create the user account such as account name, password, and user name. 

The user object specifies the account attributes that have been added or modified. Only these attributes are checked. 


Checks to see if an account exists and can deleted. The following features can be checked: 

  • Can basic connectivity to the resource be established?

  • Does the account already exist?

  • Do the account attribute values comply with all (if any) resource-specific restrictions or policies that haven’t been checked at a higher level?

    This method does not check whether the account already exists. It receives a user object as input. It contains the account attribute information needed to delete the user account such as account name, password, and user name.

    After checking to see if the account can be deleted, the method closes the connection to the resource

Defining Features

The getFeatures() method specifies which features are supported by an adapter. The features can be categorized as follows:

The ResourceAdapterBase class defines a base implementation of the getFeatures() method. The Enabled in Base? column in the following tables indicates whether the feature is defined as enabled in the base implementation in ResourceAdapterBase.

Table 10–16 General Features

Feature Name

Enabled in Base? 




Indicates whether before and after actions are supported. To enable, override the supportsActions method with a true value.



Indicates whether the resource adapter supports password changes. To enable, override the supportsResourceAccount method.

Table 10–17 Account Features

Feature Name

Enabled in Base? 




Indicates whether user account names are case-insensitive. Override the supportsCaseInsensitiveAccountIds method with a false value to make account IDs case-sensitive.



Indicates whether accounts can be created. Use the remove operation to disable this feature. 



Indicates whether accounts can be deleted. Use the remove operation to disable this feature. 



Indicates whether accounts can be disabled on the resource. Override the supportsAccountDisable method with a true value to enable this feature.



Determines whether administrative accounts can be excluded from Waveset. Override the supportsExcludedAccounts method with a true value to enable this feature.



Indicates whether accounts can be enabled on the resource. Override the supportsAccountDisable method with a true value if accounts can be enabled on the resource.



Enabled if the expirePassword Waveset User attribute is present in the schema map for the adapter. Use the remove operation to disable this feature. 



If a GUID is present on the resource, use the put operation to enable this feature. 



Indicates whether the adapter uses an account iterator. Use the remove operation to disable this feature. 



Indicates whether the adapter can list accounts. Use the remove operation to disable this feature. 



Indicates whether a user can login to an account. Use the remove operation if logins can be disabled. 



Indicates whether an account requires a password. Use the remove operation if passwords can be disabled. 



Indicates whether an account can be renamed. Use the put operation to enable this feature. 



Indicates whether the resource reports if an account is disabled. Use the put operation to enable this feature. 



Indicates whether an account can be unlocked. Use the put operation if accounts can be unlocked. 



Indicates whether an account can be modified. Use the remove operation if accounts cannot be updated. 



Indicates whether the user’s current password must be specified when changing the password. Use the put operations if the user’s current password is required. 

Table 10–18 Group Features

Feature Name

Enabled in Base? 




Indicates whether groups can be created, deleted, or updated. Use the put operation to if these features are supported on the resource. 

Table 10–19 Organizational Unit Features

Feature Name

Enabled in Base? 




Indicates whether organizational units can be created, deleted, or updated. Use the put operation to if these features are supported on the resource. 

If your custom adapter overrides the ResourceAdapterBase implementation of the getFeatures method, add code similar to the following:

public GenericObject getFeatures() {
GenericObject genObj = super.getFeatures();
genObj.put(Features.ACCOUNT_RENAME, Features.ACCOUNT_RENAME);
genObj.remove(Features.ACCOUNT_UPDATE, Features.ACCOUNT_UPDATE);
.. other features supported by this Resource Adapter …
return genObj;

To disable a feature by overriding a different method (such as supportsActions) add code similar to the following:

public boolean supportsActions() {
   return true;

The following tables describe the methods used to create, delete, and update accounts on Resources.

Table 10–20 Creating Accounts on the Resource




Creates the account on the resource. 

Receives a user object as input, and contains the account attribute information needed to create the user account (such as account name, password, and user name) 

Table 10–21 Deleting Accounts on the Resource




Deletes one or more accounts on the resource. 

Receives a user object or list of user objects as input. By default, this method creates a connection, calls realDelete, closes the connection for each user object in the list.

Table 10–22 Updating Accounts on the Resource




Updates a subset of the account attributes. 

By default, this method creates a connection, calls realUpdate, and closes the connection for each user object in the list.

NOTE: User account attributes from the resource are merged with any new changes from Waveset.

Table 10–23 Getting User Information




Retrieves information from the resource about user attributes. 

Receives a user object as input (typically with only an account identity set), and returns a new user object with values set for any attribute defined in resource schema map. 

You can use list methods to establish processes that adapters use to retrieve user information from the resource.

Table 10–24 List Methods




Used to discover or import all the users from a resource. 

Implements the Account Iterator interface to iterate over all users of a resource. 

listAllObjects ()

Given a resource object type (such as accountID or group), returns a list of that type from the resource.

Implement this method to generate lists that are used by the resource, such as a list of resource groups or distribution lists. 

This method is called from the user form (not called by provisioning engine). 

Best Practice

When writing an AccountIterator interface implementation for a custom adapter, try to do the following:

The following example shows code for retrieving information from a resource and converting that information into information that Waveset can work with.

Resource Adapters: Retrieving Information on a Resource

public WSUser getUser(WSUser user)
 throws WavesetException {
    String identity = getIdentity(user);
     WSUser newUser = null;
    try {
        Map attributes = fetchUser(user);
         if (attributes != null) {
             newUser = makeWavesetUser(attributes);
     } finally {
     return newUser;
Table 10–25 Enable and Disable Methods




Returns true or false depending on whether the resource supports native account disable.


Implements native calls that are needed to enable the user account on the resource. 


Implements native calls that are needed to disable the user account on the resource. 

Disabling User Accounts

You can disable an account by using the disable utilities supported by the resource or the account disable utility provided by Waveset.

Note –

Use native disable utilities whenever possible.

Enabling Pass-Through Authentication for Resource Types

Use the following general steps to enable pass-through authentication in a resource type:

ProcedureTo Enable Pass-Through Authentication on a Resource Type

  1. Ensure that the adapter’s getFeatures() method returns ResourceAdapter.ACCOUNT_LOGIN as a supported feature.

    • If your custom adapter overrides the ResourceAdapterBase implementation, add the following code.

      public GenericObject getFeatures() {
      GenericObject genObj = super.getFeatures();
      genObj.put(Features.ACCOUNT_RENAME, Features.ACCOUNT_RENAME);
      .. other features supported by this Resource Adapter …
      return genObj;
    • If your custom adapter does not override the getFeatures() implementation in the ResourceAdapterBase class, it will inherit the getFeatures() implementation that is exported for ACCOUNT_LOGIN by default.

  2. Add the <LoginConfigEntry> element to the adapter’s prototypeXML.

  3. Implement the adapter’s authenticate() method.

    The authenticate() method authenticates the user against the resource by using the authentication property name/value pairs provided in the loginInfo map. If authentication succeeds, be sure that the authenticated unique ID is returned in the WavesetResult by adding a result as follows:

    result.addResult(Constants.AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY, accountID);

    If authentication succeeded, but the user’s password was expired, then in addition to the identity added above, also add the password expired indicator to the result to be returned. This will ensure that the user will be forced to change their password on at least resource upon next login to Waveset.

    result.addResult(Constants.RESOURCE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, new Boolean(true));

    If authentication fails (because the user name or password is invalid), then:

    throw new WavesetException("Authentication failed for " + uid + ".");

How to Write Active Sync-Enabled Adapter Methods

Active Sync-specific methods provide the mechanism for updating Waveset, which is the primary purpose of your Active Sync-enabled adapter adapter. These methods are based on pulling information from the authoritative resource. In addition, you use these methods to start, stop, and schedule the adapter.

The methods you are going to write in this section of the adapter are based on generic methods supplied with the skeleton adapter file. You must edit some of these methods, which are categorized by task.

The following sections describe general guidelines for creating Active Sync-enabled adapter methods:

Initializing and Scheduling the Adapter

You initialize and schedule the adapter by implementing the init() and poll() methods.

The init() method is called when the adapter manager loads the adapter. There are two methods for loading the adapter:

In the initialization process, the adapter can perform its own initialization. Typically, this involves initializing logging (with the ActiveSyncUtil class), and any adapter-specific initialization such as registering with a resource to receive update events.

If an exception is thrown, the adapter is shut down and unloaded.

Polling the Resource

All of the adapter’s work is performed by the poll() method. Scheduling the adapter requires setting up a poll() method to search for and retrieve changed information on the resource.

This method is the main method of the Active Sync-enabled adapter. The adapter manager calls the poll() method to poll the remote resource for changes. The call then converts the changes into IAPI calls and posts them back to a server. This method is called on its own thread and can block for as long as needed.

It should call its ActiveSyncUtil instance’s isStopRequested method and return when true. Check isStopRequested as part of the loop condition when looping through changes.

To configure defaults for polling, you can set the polling-related resource attributes in the adapter file. Setting these polling-related attributes provides administrators with a means to later use the Waveset interface to set the start time and date for the poll interval and the length of the interval.

Scheduling Parameters

You use the following scheduling parameters in Active Sync-enabled adapters:

See Table 10–6 for a description of these parameters.

Scheduling Parameters in the prototypeXML

The scheduling parameters are present in the string constant ActiveSync. ACTIVE_SYNC_STD_RES_ATTRS_XML, along with all other general Active Sync-related resource attributes.

The following table describes the usage of scheduling parameters using some sample polling scenarios.

Table 10–26 Sample Polling Scenarios

Polling Scenario  


Daily at 2 A.M. 

Interval = day, count =1, start_time=0200

Four times daily 

Interval=hour, count=6.

Poll once every two weeks on Thursday at 5 P.M 

Interval = week, count=2, start date = 20020705 (a Thursday), time = 17:00.

Storing and Retrieving Adapter Attributes

Most Active Sync-enabled adapters are also standard adapters, where a single Java class both extends ResourceAdapterBase (or AgentResourceAdapter) and implements the Active Sync interface.

The following example shows how to retrieve the attribute and pass the update through to the base.

Example 10–5 Attribute Retrieval and Update

public Object getAttributeValue(String name) throws WavesetException {
return getResource().getResourceAttributeVal(name); }
public void setAttributeValue(String name, Object value) throws WavesetException {

Updating the Waveset Repository

When an update is received, the adapter uses the IAPI classes, notably IAPIFactory to:

Mapping the Changes to the Waveset Object

Using the Active Sync event parameter configurator for the resource, IAPIFactory.getIAPI constructs an IAPI object, either IAPIUser or IAPIProcess from a map of changed attributes. If an exclusion rule (iapi_create, iapi_delete, or iapi_update) is configured for the resource, IAPIFactory checks if the account is excluded. If a non-null object is created and returned by the Factory, the adapter can modify the IAPI object (for example, by adding a logger), then submits it.

When the object is submitted, the form associated with the resource is expanded with the object view before the view is checked in. For more information about forms and views, see Deployment Reference.

In SkeletonActiveSyncResourceAdapter, this process is handled in the buildEvent and processUpdates methods.

Shutting Down the Adapter

No system requirements are associated with adapter shutdown. Waveset calls the shutdown method, which is an opportunity for your adapter to cleanup any objects still in use from the polling loop.

Configure the Adapter to Support Pass-Through Authentication

Waveset uses pass-through authentication to grant users and administrators access through one or more different passwords. Waveset manages pass-through authentication through the implementation of:

You configure a custom adapter to support pass-through authentication by

When configuring a custom resource adapter to support an interactive login, you must enable the adapter to request additional information from a user during log in and after that user submits the initial login page.

The adapter authenticate() method controls whether the login becomes interactive. The authenticate() method’s return values trigger the interactive login so the authenticate() is called again with the results of the next login page until the authenticate() method decides the login

To be interactive, the adapter must return a WavesetResult that

Each ResultItem corresponds to a field in the form. ResultItems must have the Constants.CONTINUE_AUTHENTICATION_ATTR type with values in the following format:



The following ResultItem types are also “round-tripped” and returned in the loginInfo HashMap on the next authenticate() call:

Define the Resource Object Components

This section describes how to define the following resource object components:

Defining Resource Object Classes

Object classes are handled differently for LDAP-based resource objects than for other resource objects.

LDAP-Based Resource Objects

LDAP-based resource objects can consist of more than one LDAP object class, where each object class is an extension of its parent object class. However, within LDAP, the complete set of these object classes is viewed and managed as a single object type within LDAP.

To manage this type of resource object within Waveset, include the XML element <ObjectClasses> within the <ObjectType> definition. The <ObjectClasses> element allows you to define the set of object classes that is associated with this <ObjectType> as well as the relationship of classes to each other.

Non-LDAP-Based Resource Objects

For non-LDAP-based resource objects, you can use the <ObjectType> to represent information other than the resource object type name.

In the following example, the primary attribute defines the object class to be used when creating and updating an object of this type. In this case, inetorgperson is the object class that is defined as the primary one because it is a subclass of the other listed object classes. The operator attribute specifies whether the list of object classes should be treated as one (logical AND) or treated as unique classes (logical OR) when listing or getting an object of this type. In this case, Waveset performs an AND operation on these object classes prior to any list or get requests for this object type.

Example 10–6 Using inetorgperson Object Class

<ObjectClasses primary=’inetorgperson’ operator=’AND’>\n"+
<ObjectClass name=’person’/>\n"+ <ObjectClass name=’organizationalPerson’/>\n"+
<ObjectClass name=’inetorgperson’/>\n"+ </ObjectClasses>\n"+

In the next example, all requests to create and/or update resource objects of this type are done using the groupOfUniqueNames object class. All list and get requests will query for all objects whose object class is either groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames.

Example 10–7 Using groupOfUniqueNames Object Class

<ObjectClasses primary=’groupOfUniqueNames’ operator=’OR’>\n"+
<ObjectClass name=’groupOfNames’/>\n"+ <ObjectClass name=’groupOfUniqueNames’/>\n"+

In this example, only one object class is defined so all create, get, list, and update operations are performed using object class organizationalUnit.

Example 10–8 Using organizationalUnit Object Class

<ObjectClasses operator=’AND’>\n"+ <ObjectClass name=’organizationalUnit’/>\n"+ </ObjectClasses>\n"+

Because there is only one object class, you can exclude the <ObjectClasses> section. If you exclude the <ObjectClasses> section, the object class defaults to the <ObjectType> name attribute value. However, if you want the object type name to differ from the resource object class name, you must include the <ObjectClasses> section with the single <ObjectClass> entry.

Defining Resource ObjectTypes

Resource Object types uniquely define a specific type of resource, and you define object types in the adapter’s prototypeXML string.

The XML <ObjectTypes> element is a container within the adapter’s prototypeXML string that contains one or more object type definitions to be managed on that resource. This <ObjectTypes> element fully describes the resource-specific object to Waveset, including the following:

The following table describes the supported attributes of the <ObjectType> element.

Table 10–27 Supported <ObjectType> Element Attributes




Defines the name by which this object type is displayed and referred to within Waveset (required). 


Defines the name of the .gif file to display in the Waveset interface for objects of this type. You must install this .gif file in idm/applet/images for use by Waveset.


Defines whether this type of resource object can contain other resource objects of the same type or of a different type. 

  • If true, this resource object type can contain other resource objects.

  • If false, this resource object type cannot contain other resource objects.

The following example shows ObjectType definitions:

Example 10–9 Example ObjectType Definitions

static final String prototypeXml =
"<Resource name=’Skeleton’ class= ’com.waveset.adapter.sample.SkeletonStandardResourceAdapter’
typeString=’Skeleton of a resource adapter’ typeDisplayString=’"+Messages.RESTYPE_SKELETON+"’>\n"+
  " <ObjectTypes>\n"+ 
  " <ObjectType name=’Group’ icon=’group’>\n"+ 
… other content defined below will go here … 
  " </ObjectType>\n"+ 
  " <ObjectType name=’Role’ icon=’ldap_role’>\n"+ 
… other content defined below will go here … 
  " </ObjectType>\n"+ 
  " <ObjectType name=’Organization’ icon=’folder_with_org’ container=’true’>\n"+ 
… other content defined below will go here … 
" </ObjectTypes>\n”+

Defining Resource Object Features

The <ObjectFeatures> section specifies a list of one or more features supported by this object type, where each object feature is directly tied to the implementation of the associated object type method in the resource adapter.

Each ObjectFeature definition must contain the name attribute, which specifies a feature name. The create and update features can specify a form attribute, which defines the resource form used to process create and update features. If you do not specify a form attribute, Waveset processes the create and update features with the same form used by all resources of a given type.

The following table describes the object feature mappings.

Table 10–28 Object Feature Mappings

Object Feature 


Supports Form Attribute? 

























In the following example, the <ObjectFeatures> section includes all supported object features. Your resource adapter can support all of these features or just a subset of features. The more object features your adapter supports, the richer the object management function within Waveset.

Example 10–10 <ObjectFeatures> Section Including all Supported Object Features

   <ObjectFeature name=’create’ form=’My Create Position Form’/>
   <ObjectFeature name=’update’ form=’My Update Position Form’/>
   <ObjectFeature name=’create’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’delete’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’rename’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’saveas’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’find’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’list’/>\n"+
   <ObjectFeature name=’view’/>\n"+

Defining Resource Object Attributes

The <ObjectAttributes> section specifies the set of attributes to be managed and queried in Waveset. Each <ObjectAttribute> element name should be the same as the native resource attribute name. Unlike user attributes in Waveset, no attribute mapping is specified. Use only the native attribute names.

The following table describes attributes that are required for <ObjectAttributes>.

Table 10–29 Required Attributes for <ObjectAttributes>




The value of this attribute should be the resource object attribute name that uniquely identifies this object within the resource’s object namespace (for example, dn, uid)


The value of this attribute should be the resource object attribute name whose value is the name you want displayed when objects of this type are viewed within Waveset (for example, cn, samAccountName).


(Optional) This value of this attribute should be the resource object attribute name whose value you want displayed in the Description column of the Resources page. 

The following example shows an <ObjectAttributes> section defined in an <ObjectType>.

Example 10–11 <ObjectAttributes> Section Defined in an <ObjectType>

<ObjectAttributes idAttr=’dn’ displayNameAttr=’cn’ descriptionAttr=
    <ObjectAttribute name=’cn’ type=’string’/>\n"+
    <ObjectAttribute name=’description’ type=’string’/>\n"+
    <ObjectAttribute name=’owner’ type=’distinguishedname’
    <ObjectAttribute name=’uniqueMember’ type=’dn’ namingAttr=’cn’ />\n"+

The following table describes the <ObjectAttribute> attributes.

Table 10–30 <ObjectAttribute> Attributes




Identifies the resource object type attribute name (required) 


Identifies the type of object. Valid types include string or distinguishedname / ”dn’ (defaults to string)


If object type is distinguishedname or dn, this value specifies the attribute whose value should be used to display an instance of this object type referred to by the dn within Waveset

Note –

The methods in the resource adapter object type implementation are responsible for coercing all string values into the appropriate type based on the resource attribute name.

Defining Resource Forms

You must provide the following resource forms:

You can also assign an optional form that processes incoming data before storing it in Waveset. This resource form is a mechanism that transforms incoming data from the schema map and applies the transformed data to the User view. The sample form also performs actions, such as enabling and disabling an account, that are based on specific incoming data values such as employee status.

The following table describes attributes contained in the top-level namespace.

Note –

All values are strings unless otherwise specified.

Table 10–31 Top-Level Namespace Attributes




Waveset resource type name (for example, LDAP, Active Directory) 


Waveset resource name 


Waveset resource ID 


Resource-specific object type (for example, Group)


Name of resource object (for example, cn or samAccountName)


Fully qualified name of resource object (for example, dn)


ID of user requesting view 


Resource object attribute name/value pairs (object) 


Waveset member organization 


List of object type specific attributes to return when requesting an object through checkoutView or getView (list)


Context used to search for non-fully qualified names in form input 


List of resource object type-specific attribute names that will be used to search within the specified searchContext for names input to the form (list).


Maximum time spent searching where <objectType> is the lowercase name of a resource specific object type. For example, group, organizationalunit, organization.

<objectType>.attributes<resource attribute name>

Used to get or set the value of specified resource attribute (for example, <objectType>, where cn is the resource attribute name). When resource attributes are distinguished names, the name returned when getting the value is the value of the namingAttr specified in the <ObjectAttribute> section of the <ObjectType> description.

Installing Custom Adapters

ProcedureTo Install a Customized Resource Adapter

  1. If necessary, create the following directory:


    Where package_path is the package where your class is defined. For example,


  2. Copy your NewResourceAdapter.class file into the directory you just created.

  3. Create a gif image that is 18x18 pixels and 72 DPI in size to represent your adapter. Waveset displays this .gif file image next to the resource name on the List Resources page.

    You must use the following format when naming your .gif file:


    You must replace any spaces in your adapter name with underscores. For example, look at some of the existing adapter names in


  4. Copy the .gif file to idm/applet/images.

  5. Stop and restart the application server. For information about working with application servers, see Installation Guide.

  6. Create an HTML help file for your resource.

    Note –

    The idm.jar in the com/waveset/msgcat/help/resources directory contains example help files.

    See Deployment Reference for information about including online help with an application.

  7. From the Managed Resources page of the Administrator interface, click the Custom Adapter button and enter the full class name of your adapter class. For example


  8. Create a resource in Waveset using your adapter.

  9. Ensure your native managed system is operational.

  10. Test the connectivity of your new Waveset resource, as described in Checking Connections and Operations.

Testing Custom Adapters

After writing a custom resource adapter, you must test the validity of that adapter. In particular, you must test the connection to the resource.

Topics covered in this section include:

Unit Testing Your Adapter

Use the following steps to unit-test the validity of a custom adapter (in particular, to test the connection to the resource):

ProcedureTo Unit Test Your Adapter

  1. Save the adapter.

  2. Run unit tests on that adapter from your own machine.

  3. Load the adapter into Waveset.

  4. Test the adapter in Waveset, as follows:

    1. Log into the Waveset Administrator interface.

    2. Click the Resources > List Resources tabs.

    3. Click Start on the List Resources page.

      The Start button is enabled only if the resource start-up type is Automatic or Manual.

Compatibility Testing Your Adapter

Writing and maintaining a custom resource adapter can be a very complex process. Developers commonly discover that their custom adapters do not perform as expected, or that the adapters do not perform the functions expected by Waveset. Even well-written resource adapters will sometimes not work well after the external resource has been upgraded.

Waveset provides a compatibility testing mechanism that you can use to verify the quality of a custom resource adapter. This tester

This section describes how to use Waveset’s Compatibility Test Suite. The information is organized as follows:

How the Compatibility Test Suite Works

Waveset’s Compatibility Test Suite performs a set of standard tests to check the adapter’s supported features. If a particular test requires a feature not provided by the adapter, Waveset skips that test.

The Compatibility Test Suite requires certain information, such as a valid user name and password to run a compatibility test on a resource adapter. You can typically use the standard DataProvider (provided with Waveset) to supply the data required for the test.

Note –

For special circumstances, such as when you want to provide information in a class instead of as an expression in XML, you can write a custom DataProvider.

How to Run the Compatibility Tests

ProcedureTo Run the Waveset Compatibility Test Suite

  1. Open a command window.

  2. At the command prompt, type the lh command using the following format:

    $WSHOME/bin/lh com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite [Options] [testName]


    • [options] include:

      • -h: Use to access usage information

        For example:

        Usage: CompatibilitySuite [arguments]

        Valid arguments:



        -propsFile value

        Path to the properties file 

        -formatter value

        Formatter to use for formatting output of tests 

        -user value

        Name of user to execute test as 

        -pass value

        Plain text password used to log the user on 

        -import value

        Comma separated list of files (on server) to import 

        -toDir value

        Directory to put test output in 


        Echoes all arguments passed in to the screen 


        Displays the usage message 

      • -propsFile file: Use to specify a properties file name.

      • -formatter type,path: Use to specify XML, HTML, or plain text and a path in which to put this file.

    • [testName] is a comma-separated list of the tests to run.

    The following properties control how tests are executed:




    Classname of the adapter to test 


    Name of a custom DataProvider 


    Comma-separated list of paths to the scripts to execute 

    Note: These scripts return a string of imported XML.


    DataProvider namespace 


    Comma-separated list of tests to include 


    Comma-separated list of tests to exclude 


    Comma-separated list of files to import 

    You can specify these properties directly from the command line, or add them to a properties file specified from the command line. For example,

    lh -DpropName=propValue

    Where properties conflict, properties in the property file specified by propsFile are used.

    Note –

    When you use the [testName] command, the Compatibility Test Suite ignores the includedTests and excludedTests options.

    In most cases, the framework provided by Waveset is flexible enough to test the resource adapter. However, you can easily extend the functionality in two places if necessary:

    • You can implement the DataProvider interface to create a custom DataProvider. A custom DataProvider allows data to come from any source.

    • You can implement the CompatibilityHelper interface to provide a CompatibilityHelper. A CompatibilityHelper provides a way to initialize a resource before running tests.

    See the Javadoc for more information about implementing these interfaces and the required naming conventions.

Example 1: Using the Default DataProvider to Run Compatibility Tests

This example illustrates how to run compatibility tests on a SimulatedResourceAdapter using the default DataProvider.

Prepare the Test

Use the following steps to prepare the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Test

  1. Set up the following files:



    Note –

    The default path to the simulated resource in SimulatedCompatibilityConfig is /tmp/mySimulatedResource.xml.

    You can edit this path if you want to specify a different location.

  2. Before executing the example, copy ant-junit.jar from Apache ant 1.6.5 to your $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Execute the Test

Use the following steps to execute the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Execute the Compatibility Test

  1. Open a command window.

  2. At the prompt, type

    cd $WSHOME

    bin/lh com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite -propsFile sample/compat/example.1/

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

    TestSuite: com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite
    Starting internal database server ...
    DB Server @ jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    Importing file sample/compat/example.1/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml
    ’Create(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Create)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’Authenticate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.AuthenticateUser)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’DeleteExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’UpdateExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.UpdateExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’RenameExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.RenameExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’EnableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.EnableExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’DisableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DisableExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’Iterate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Iterate)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’DeleteMissing(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteMissing)’ passed  (77 ms)
    Tests run: 9, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 8, Time elapsed: 10864 ms

What Happened

In Execute the Test, the lh command runs the compatibility test with the following argument:

-propsFile sample/compat/example.1/

Both the adapter and ns properties are required to run the test.

Execute the Test also uses the import property, which imports a list of files into the repository. The import property is similar to lh import filename.

When you start the compatibility test, the tester retrieves the adapter and ns properties from the specified properties.

The default DataProvider retrieves data from the extension element of a namespace#TestData configuration object, which in this example was SimulatedCompatibilityConfig#TestData.

Note –

If you do not specify a DataProvider when setting up a test, Waveset used the default DataProvider.

The DataProvider retrieves this SimulatedCompatibilityConfig#TestData configuration object from the repository.

To get the configuration object into the repository, you must define the object in the following file, which is specified in the import property:


To simplify configuration in Execute the Test, only one test was run with the includedTests=DeleteMissing parameter.

Note –

See the Javadoc for more information about which parameters are available and which parameters are required for the different tests.

Example 2: Adding More Data

To run the creation tests, and other tests that create users, you must add more data to the configuration object. In this next example, you must use the default DataProvider again and import an XML file.

Prepare the Test

Use the following steps to prepare the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Test

  1. Set up the following files:



    Note –

    The default path to the simulated resource in SimulatedCompatibilityConfig is /tmp/mySimulatedResource.xml.

    You can edit this path if you want to specify a different location.

  2. Before executing the example, copy ant-junit.jar from Apache ant 1.6.5 to your $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Execute the Test

Use the following steps to execute the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Execute the Test

  1. Open a command window.

  2. At the prompt, type

    cd $WSHOME

    bin/lh com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite -propsFile sample/compat/example.2/

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

    TestSuite: com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite
    Starting internal database server ...
    DB Server @ jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    Importing file ./sample/compat/example.2/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml
    ’Authenticate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.AuthenticateUser)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’UpdateExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.UpdateExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’RenameExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.RenameExisting)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’Iterate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Iterate)’ skipped  (unknown)
    ’DeleteMissing(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteMissing)’ passed  (15 ms)
    ’EnableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.EnableExisting)’ passed  (259 ms)
    ’DisableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DisableExisting)’ passed  (7 ms)
    ’DeleteExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteExisting)’ passed  (3 ms)
    ’Create(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Create)’ passed  (3 ms)
    Tests run: 9, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 4, Time elapsed: 10178 ms

What Happened

You requested additional tests by setting the following property in the properties file:


These tests required more data from the DataProvider.

To provide this new data, several changes were made to the configuration object specified by SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml.

The SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml file added a create attribute containing a username, password, and list of user attributes. The default DataProvider uses the create attribute when the compatibility tests ask for the username, password, and attributes required to create a single user.

The SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml file also added a schema map.

Example 3: Finishing the Test Configuration

In this next example, you finish the test configuration.

Prepare the Test

Use the following steps to prepare the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Test

  1. Set up the following files:



    Note –

    The default path to the simulated resource in SimulatedCompatibilityConfig is /tmp/mySimulatedResource.xml.

    You can edit this path to specify a different location by changing two lines in the file.

  2. Before executing the example, copy ant-junit.jar from Apache ant 1.6.5 to your $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

  3. You must initialize the repository to run the encrypt command.

    For example, use the lh import sample/init.xml command to initialize the repository, where the original file looks like the following:

    <Attribute name="login_infos">
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password" value="ctPass" />
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="no" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password" value="wrongPass" />
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="yes" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password">
                   <!-- result of ’encrypt ctPass’ from lh console -->
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="no" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password">
                   <!-- result of ’encrypt wrongPass’ from lh console -->
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="yes" />
  4. In each case, use an encrypt command from the lh console to get an encrypted password that can be decrypted in your environment.

    Run lh console and at the console prompt, type the text in single quotes for each of the preceding EncryptedData entries (for example, encrypt ctPass) and replace the text between <EncryptedData> and </EncryptedData> with the result.

    See the following example:

    <!-- result of ’encrypt ctPass’ from lh console -->
    <!-- result of ’encrypt wrongPass’ from lh console -->

    Alternatively, you can have the DataProvider skip the two login info entries by commenting out the whole block as follows:

    <!-- commented out
           <Attribute name="login_infos">
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password" value="ctPass" />
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="no" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password" value="wrongPass" />
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="yes" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password">
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="no" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_user" value="ctUser" />
                 <Attribute name="sim_password">
                 <Attribute name="shouldfail" value="yes" />
  5. Next, copy the new data and paste it inside the <EncryptedData> tag to replace the old data. Be certain there are no extra spaces or line breaks inside the tag.

Execute the Tests

Use the following steps to execute the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Execute the Tests

  1. Open a command window.

  2. At the prompt, type

    cd $WSHOME

    bin/lh com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite -propsFile sample/compat/example.3/

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

    TestSuite: com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite
    Starting internal database server ...
    DB Server @ jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    Importing file ./sample/compat/example.3/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml
    ’Create(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Create)’ passed  (31 ms)
    ’Authenticate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.AuthenticateUser)’ passed  (12 ms)
    ’DeleteExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteExisting)’ passed  (1 ms)
    ’DeleteMissing(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteMissing)’ passed  (1 ms)
    ’UpdateExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.UpdateExisting)’ passed  (33 ms)
    ’RenameExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.RenameExisting)’ passed  (5 ms)
    ’EnableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.EnableExisting)’ passed  (10 ms)
    ’DisableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DisableExisting)’ passed  (5 ms)
    ’Iterate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Iterate)’ passed  (352 ms)
    Tests run: 9, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 10262 ms

What Happened

The line specifying the included tests was removed from the file, which should run the entire suite.

Additional data is required for the remaining tests, so the SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml file was modified to include update, rename, and iterate attributes. These attributes modify users, rename users, and create a set of users over which to iterate. In addition, the file added an login_info attribute that specifies a list of items used to authenticate a user if authentication is supported by the resource adapter.

Finally, the shouldfail attribute, provided in the file under the login info entries, allows negative tests. The tests in the suite should now complete with no errors or skipped tests.

Example 4: Executing Javascript or Beanshell Script

The compatibility tests enable you to execute a javascript or beanshell script and then import the script results into the repository. Either script must return a string that contains the XML to be imported.

Waveset provides an example Apache Velocity template and some supporting beanshell script that uses the template. The beanshell script was created just to fill in the required variables, which makes it very easy to work with the default DataProvider.

Prepare the Test

Prepare the compatibility test to execute with a beanshell script

ProcedureTo Prepare the Test

  1. Set up the following files:



    Note –

    The default path to the simulated resource in SimulatedCompatibilityConfig is /tmp/mySimulatedResource.xml.

    You can edit this path if you want to specify a different location.

    You must change two lines in the file.

  2. Before executing the example, copy ant-junit.jar from Apache ant 1.6.5 to your $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Execute the Tests

Execute the compatibility tests as follows:

ProcedureTo Execute the Test

  1. Open a command window.

  2. At the prompt, type

    cd $WSHOME

    bin/lh com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite -propsFile sample/compat/example.4/

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

    TestSuite: com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CompatibilitySuite
    Starting internal database server ...
    DB Server @ jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    Executing script /opt/build/dv207518/adapterTestsTemp/waveset/export/pipeline/./sample/
    Importing results
    ’Create(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Create)’ passed  (25 ms)
    ’Authenticate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.AuthenticateUser)’ passed  (11 ms)
    ’DeleteExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteExisting)’ passed  (5 ms)
    ’DeleteMissing(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DeleteMissing)’ passed  (4 ms)
    ’UpdateExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.UpdateExisting)’ passed  (4 ms)
    ’RenameExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.RenameExisting)’ passed  (3 ms)
    ’EnableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.EnableExisting)’ passed  (11 ms)
    ’DisableExisting(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.DisableExisting)’ passed  (5 ms)
    ’Iterate(com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.Iterate)’ passed  (22 ms)
    Tests run: 9, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 11354 ms

What Happened

The DataProvider supplied an importScript property, which caused the SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh script to run. This script returns an XML string that is imported into the repository as a configuration object. The script specified the necessary items, and the velocity template creates the string.

You can use one of the following methods to debug the import script:

Note –

This example used beanshell scripting, but you can also use Javascript.

Several beanshell helpers are provided in the sample/compat/beanshell directory to make scripting easier by using the Apache Velocity template engine.

Note –

Commented examples are included to help you use the beanshell helpers.

To use the templates, add the following code at the top of your beanshell script:

// import helpers
String wavesetHome = Util.getWavesetHome();

if(wavesetHome != null) {
    if ( wavesetHome.startsWith("file:" ) ) {
        wavesetHome = wavesetHome.substring("file:".length());

    addClassPath(wavesetHome + "./sample/compat/");


Using the helpers is optional.

When using a script, the only requirement is that the script must return a string containing XML. The script can access any of the parameters that were passed into the CompatibilitySuite using _params.

Where _params can contain any of the following properties.




Classname of the adapter to test 


Name of a custom DataProvider 


Comma-separated list of paths to the scripts to execute 

Note: These scripts return a string of imported XML.


DataProvider namespace 


Comma-separated list of tests to include 


Comma-separated list of tests to exclude 


Comma-separated list of files to import 

Note –

These properties are not provided in the _params map unless you set them in the properties file or used the -D command from the command line to add these properties to the _params map.

In beanshell, you can use a call to params.get(“parameter_name”) to retrieve these parameters.

If the beanshell script needs to know how the namespace parameter was set so that the script could form the name of the configuration object, the parameter would be retrieved as follows:

String namespace = _params.get("ns");

Example 5: Running Tests from Inside the Web Container

Use the following process to run compatibility tests from inside the web container.

Prepare the Test

Use the following steps to prepare the compatibility tests.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Test

  1. Copy ant-junit.jar from Apache ant 1.6.5 to your $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

  2. Enable the com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.compatibility.CTServlet by uncommenting the following in the web.xml file:

    • Uncomment servlet definition:

    • Uncomment servlet mapping:


    Note –
    • You might have to restart your computer to use the new servlet.

    • The servlet accepts POST requests with certain parameters. Some parameters, such as imported files, allow you to specify multiples.

  3. You can specify the following parameters to the Compatibility Suite:




    Classname of the adapter to test 


    Name of a custom DataProvider 


    Comma-separated list of tests to exclude 


    Comma-separated list of files to import 


    Comma-separated list of paths to the scripts to execute 

    Note: These scripts return a string of imported XML.


    Comma-separated list of tests to include 


    DataProvider namespace 


    Plain Text password used to log user on 

    Note: This password is sent in plain text, which may influence your decision on whether or not to enable the servlet. 


    Name of user who executes test 

    Additional, remote-only parameters include:




    String containing XML to import 


    String containing script to run 


    Specify bsh if the script is a beanshell script

    Specify js if the script is javascript.

    Note: If you specify multiple scripts to the servlet, the scripts must all be javascript or all beanshell, you cannot specify one of each.

    You can access the servlet through debug/CompatTests.jsp or the command line Java program,

  4. To prepare for running the tests remotely, copy the file idmtesting.jar and the example folders under sample/compat to the remote system.

Execute the Tests

Run the tests from the CompatTests.jsp page

ProcedureTo Execute the Test

  1. Open a browser and navigate to your idm instance/debug/CompatTests.jsp. For example,

  2. To run the example, you must provide the following values:

    Namespace = SimulatedAdapterTests

    Adapter = com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter

    User Name to Run Test as = configurator

    Password for User to Run Test as = configurator’s password

    Script type = Beanshell radio button

    Import Result of this Script Text = SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh file contents

  3. Copy the contents of the SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh file from the sample/compat/example.4 directory and paste them into this text field.

    Note –

    This script runs Example 4, but you can run the other examples in the same way. The other parameters are available too, but the names are slightly altered in the jsp file.

    You can also run the compatibility test remotely from a command line Java program called CTContainerTest. The usage is as follows:

    CTContainerTest -url url [-v] [-parm1_name parm1_value e ... -parmx_name parmx_value]


    • Parameter names are the same as parameters accepted by the servlet.

    • Parameter values are the same as values accepted by the servlet.

    The servlet does not support the following parameters as a command line argument:

    • importScriptText

      You can use the importLocalScriptFile parameter to send the importScriptText parameter to the servlet. The importLocalScriptFile option reads the contents of the file specified by the parameter value, and submits the content of that file to the servlet with the importScriptText parameter name.

    • importXMLText

      You can use the importLocalXMLFile parameter to send the importXMLText parameter to the servlet. The importLocalXMLFile option reads the contents of the file specified by the parameter value, and submits the content of that file to the servlet with the importXMLText parameter name.

    For more information about the available parameters and their use, run the CTContainerTest program with no arguments, as follows:

    java -cp idmtesting.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest

    The following examples illustrate different ways to run this command.

    Note –

    To run these examples in a Windows environment, you must adjust the hostname and port, change the classpath separation character from a colon (:) to a semicolon (;), and change the path separator from a backward slash (/) to a forward slash (\).

    Running a Compatibility Test Using the Default DataProvider

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.1/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml -includedTests

    Running a Compatibility Test with Added Tests

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.2/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml -includedTests

    Running a Compatibility Test After Finishing the Test Configuration

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalXMLFile ./example.3/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.xml

    Running a Compatability Test After Executing Beanshell Script

    java -cp idmtesting.jar:idmcommon.jar com.sun.idm.testing.adapter.CTContainerTest
    -url "http://host:port/idm/servlet/CTServlet"
    -adapter com.waveset.adapter.SimulatedResourceAdapter -ns SimulatedAdapterTests
    -importLocalScriptFile ./example.4/SimulatedCompatibilityConfig.bsh

Testing the Resource Object

This section describes the following methods for testing the resource object:

Viewing and Editing a Resource Object

You can confirm the configuration of your resource by viewing the raw XML in the repository.

ProcedureTo View and Edit a Resource Object

  1. Log into the Administrator user interface.

  2. Open the Waveset Debug pages by entering http://host:port/idm/debug in the browser.

  3. Choose Resource from the pull-down menu located next to the List Objects button.

  4. Click the List Objects button.

    The List Objects of Type: Resource page displays with a list of all resource adapters and Active Sync-enabled adapters.

    Note –

    All resource adapter and Active Sync-enabled adapter classes are based on existing Waveset Resource classes.

  5. Find the resource object you want to see.

    • To view the resource object, click the View link.

    • To edit the resource object, click the Edit link.

  6. When you are finished, click Back.

Testing the Resource Object in Waveset

You can use the Find Resources and List Resources pages in the Waveset Administrative interface to test your implementation of a resource object.

Select Resource > List Resource to confirm the following performance characteristics.

Table 10–32 List Resource Performance Characteristics

Expected Behavior in Interface 

If This Does Not Occur 

Waveset includes your resource type in the drop-down list of possible new resources. 

Confirm that you have added it to the resource.adapters attribute in the file.

When you open the resource folder, its contents reflect all the <ObjectType> elements that are defined in your resource adapter’s <ObjectTypes> section.

Review the <ObjectType> elements in the adapter’s prototypeXML.

When you right-click on one of your resource object types, all the supported features specified in your resource adapter’s <ObjectFeatures> section per <ObjectType> is available from the menu.

Go to the Debug page and view or edit the resource in question to ensure that its list of <ObjectFeatures> for the <ObjectType> in question is correct.

You can create new resources and update existing resource objects. 

Verify that your resource adapter code is in WEB-INF/classes/com/waveset/adapter/sample

The correct ResourceForms have been loaded for each type of operation. 

  • Confirm that you have checked in all needed resource forms

  • Verify that the forms are correctly referenced (including the correct case) in the section for forms in the System configuration object.

Select Resource > Find Resources to confirm the following performance characteristics.

Table 10–33 Find Resources Performance Characteristics

Expected Behavior in the Interface 

If not...  

You can set all attributes you expect from the Resources > Find Resources page

Check all <ObjectType> elements and associated <ObjectAttribute> elements.

A find resource request returns the appropriate resource objects 

Double-check the query arguments to ensure that the appropriate set of resource objects will match that query. If it still doesn’t work, try the same query through another LDAP browser to ensure that it is not a problem with the query. 

You can edit and/or delete objects returned from your find request.

Check to ensure that the <ObjectFeatures> section of the <ObjectType> in question includes the Update feature, which enables editing or the Delete feature, which enables deletion.

Troubleshooting Custom Adapters

You can use Waveset Debug pages to trace methods in your custom adapter. You must first enable tracing and identify the methods for which tracing is requested. You must also provide calls to create log entries for new methods in your custom adapter.

To debug your adapter, review the log file that is generated by the adapter. If you enabled tracing and identified the methods you wanted to trace, your adapter will write its resource settings to the log file. Use this information to validate that the adapter was started and that all setting changes were saved.

Note –

See System Administrator's Guide for detailed information about tracing and debugging custom adapters.

Maintaining Custom Adapters

Any time you install a new Waveset patch or service pack you must test your custom resources with the new idmcommon.jar and idmformui.jar files. You might have to modify or enhance your adapters so they adapt to changes made in the new release. Alternatively, you might just need to rebuild or refresh your resource adapter in your installation.

When you upgrade to a new release, you might have to recompile all of your custom resource adapters, depending on the target Waveset version. All custom Java that uses Waveset APIs (including custom resource adapters) require a recompile during upgrading. Also, consider other Java classes that use the Waveset library.

For more information about upgrading, see Upgrade Guide.

Note –

If your current Waveset installation has a large amount of custom work, contact your Sun Account Representative or Sun Customer Support for assistance with your upgrade.