Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Active Sync Namespace

The following table provides information about the common Waveset processes or tasks related to the Active Sync category.

Process or Task Running  

How it is Used  


ActiveSync IAPIUser

  • Processes user-related changes on a particular resource.

  • Performs actions directly on the full User view before launching the designated workflow process.

Merges attributes from the ActiveSync event into the User view. 

Typical attributes on the Input Form include: 

  • accounts[*].*

  • waveset.*

  • accountInfo.*

  • activeSync.<LHS Attr Name>

  • activeSync.resourceName

  • activeSync.resourceId

  • activeSync.resource

  • display.session (session for Proxy Admin)

  • global.<LHS Attr Name> (if set globals flag is set on resource)

ActiveSync IAPIProcess

  • Processes generic events on a resource by creating a Process view.

  • Top-level fields in Process view are arbitrary inputs to the task.

  • Collects attributes related to launching the task under the global attribute.

  • Writes the workflow to retrieve inputs from under global rather than as top-level attributes.

Launches the specified task with ActiveSync poll attributes dumped into top-level workflow global attribute.

Workflow attributes assume the form:global.<LHS Attr Name>