Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

CorrelationPlan Objects

Correlation logic can indicate a resource account's type. During reconciliation, the automatic link must know about account type because no form is used to perform this action.

When reconciliation performs a LINK response for a resource account, it typically assigns the account to the user as the default account type. However, on a resource that is configured for multiple accounts per user, this may not always be appropriate. Specifically, discovered accounts can belong to a specific account type and should be linked to the user as such. To assign the appropriate account type, reconciliation must be informed of the account type to use. Waveset accomplishes by returning this information as part of the result of the correlation rule.

A CorrelationPlan object extends the result of a correlation rule to allow the account type to be identified. Therefore, a correlation rule must return a CorrelationPlan if the account is of a specific account type. However, a CorrelationPlan can also be used for standard resources as well. Unless specifically set, a CorrelationPlan indicates the default account type.

Refer to sample/correlationRules.xml and the Javadoc for examples and details on using a CorrelationPlan as the result of a correlation rule.