Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Lists of Named GenericObject Elements

Assuming named GenericObjects with the same name represent the same object allows for better and more granular conflict detection. Changes in a named element are identifiable since list elements with the same name are assumed to be the same object. In this case, a failing equality comparison indicates a conflict. List additions and deletions are also similarly discernible.

For lists of named GenericObjects, Waveset can detect whether an element has been added, deleted or modified in both the local and remote changes. The system then compares the resulting two lists to determine if a conflict is indicated using the following rules:

Table 11–1 Local and Remote Conflict Checks

Local Add 

Local Delete 

Local Change 

Remote Add 

Add conflict is not equal 


Remote Delete 




Remote Change 



Conflict if not equal 

The blank cells in the table indicate that such a case is not possible. Since the baseline view is the same for computing both local and remote changes, a list addition in one set of changes indicates that the value was not present in the baseline. Therefore, it is not possible to delete or change this (non-existent) element value in the local or remote changes. Similarly, the deletion of an element or change to an element value indicates that the value was present, and an addition of that value is not possible.

An example of such a list that contains named GenericObject elements is the roleinfos attribute. Both the old and new values are lists of objects which are named by the role name. An addition or deletion of such a named element can be determined by querying the list by object name. For cases where the named element is present in the list in both the local and remote changes, the (Generic) objects can be compared for equality. If the new values are identical (equal), then this is not considered a conflict.