Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

ProcedureTo View and Edit a Resource Object

  1. Log into the Administrator user interface.

  2. Open the Waveset Debug pages by entering http://host:port/idm/debug in the browser.

  3. Choose Resource from the pull-down menu located next to the List Objects button.

  4. Click the List Objects button.

    The List Objects of Type: Resource page displays with a list of all resource adapters and Active Sync-enabled adapters.

    Note –

    All resource adapter and Active Sync-enabled adapter classes are based on existing Waveset Resource classes.

  5. Find the resource object you want to see.

    • To view the resource object, click the View link.

    • To edit the resource object, click the Edit link.

  6. When you are finished, click Back.