Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

The Waveset Debug Page

The administrator interface includes pages that are useful when you need to optimize Waveset or troubleshoot a problem. To access these pages open the Waveset Debug Page, which is also called the System Settings page.

To open the Waveset Debug Page, type the following URL into your browser. (Depending on your platform and configuration, URLs may be case-sensitive.)


Users must have the Debug capability to view /idm/debug/ pages. For information about capabilities, see Assigning Capabilities to Users.

Figure 2–5 The Waveset Debug Page (System Settings)

Figure showing the System Settings page used for debugging.

For information about troubleshooting Waveset, seeChapter 5, Tracing and Troubleshooting, in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator’s Guide.