Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Identity Manager IDE

The Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (Identity Manager IDE) provides a graphical view of Waveset forms, rules, and workflows. It is a fully integrated NetBeans plug-in that is distributed with Waveset in the Waveset distribution package.

Using the Identity Manager IDE, you create and edit forms that establish the features available on each Waveset page. You can also modify Waveset workflows, which define the sequence of actions followed or tasks performed when working with Waveset user accounts. Additionally, you can modify rules defined in Waveset that determine workflow behaviors.

Figure 2–6 Identity Manager IDE Interface

Figure showing the Identity Manager IDEwindow and interface.

To download the Identity Manager IDE, visit this website:

You can also use the Business Process Editor (BPE) to make customizations, if you have it installed with earlier versions of Waveset.