Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Customize an Email Template

You can customize email templates to provide specific directions to the recipient, telling him how to accomplish a task or how to see results. For example, you might want to customize the Account Creation Approval template to direct an approver to an account approval page by adding the following message:

Please go to to approve account creation for $(fullname).

Use the following procedure to customize an email template using the Account Creation Approval template as an example:

  1. In the Administrator interface, click the Configure tab, then click the Email Templates subtab.

    The Email Templates page opens.

  2. Click to select the Account Creation Approval template.

    Figure illustrating the Edit Email Template tab
  3. Enter details for the template.

    You can enter the following information:

    • In the SMTP Host field, enter the SMTP server name so that email notification can be sent.

    • In the From field, customize the originating email address.

    • In the To and Cc fields, enter one or more email addresses or Waveset accounts that will be the recipients of the email notification.

    • In the Bcc field, enter one or more email addresses or Waveset accounts that will receive blind copies of the email notification.

    • In the Email Body field, customize the content to provide a pointer to your Waveset location.

  4. Click Save.

    You can also modify email templates by using the Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (Identity Manager IDE). For information about the Identity Manager IDE, go to the following website:

    Note –

    You must register and log in to this site.