Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Registering Waveset from the Console

You use the register command to register Waveset from the console. This section contains information about this command, including:

register Command Usage

register -local
register -remote [-u <userid> [-p <password>]] [-prompt] -userSOA <userid> 
-passSOA <password> [-proxy <proxyHost> [-port <proxyPortNumber>]] 
register [-help | -?]

register Command Options

The following table describes the options you can use with the register command.

Table 4–2 Command Options




Create a service tag on this host. 


Register this installation of Waveset over the network directly with Oracle. 

-u <userid>

The Waveset user ID of the Waveset administrator who is authorized to do the registration. 

-p <password>

The Waveset password of the Waveset administrator who is authorized to do the registration. 


Interactively prompt for the password if missing. 

-userSOA <userid>

The user ID of the Oracle Online Account that will be used for registration. Required if registering with the -remote option.

-passSOA <password>

The password of the Oracle Online Account that will be used for registration. Required if registering with the -remote option.

-proxy <proxyHost>

The network proxy to use for access to the Oracle online registration service. Required if registering with the -remote option and your network is configured to use a proxy to reach external Internet addresses.

-port <proxyPortNumber>

The port on the network proxy to use for access to the Oracle online registration service. Required if registering with the -remote option and your network is configured to use a proxy to reach external Internet addresses.

-help | -?

Print help for this command to the console. 

ProcedureTo Register Waveset from the Console

To register Waveset from the Console, you must create a local service tag or register with Oracle over the Internet. Use the following instructions:

  1. Start the Waveset console (command-line) interface.

    • From a Windows command line, type


    • From a UNIX command line, type


  2. Use the register command to register Waveset.

    Use the following syntax:

    • To create a local service tag,

      register -local

    • To register Waveset over the Internet, use the following command:

      register -remote -u <userid> -p <password> -userSOA <soaUserid> -passSOA <soaPassword> -proxy <proxyHost> -port <proxyPortNumber>


      • userid is the Waveset userID of the Waveset administrator who is authorized to do the registration.

      • password is the Waveset password of the Waveset administrator who is authorized to do the registration.

      • soaUserid is the user ID of the Oracle Online Account that will be used for registration.

      • soaPassword is the password of the Oracle Online Account that will be used for registration.

      • proxyHost is the network proxy to use for access to the Oracle online registration service. Only required if your network is configured to use a proxy to reach external Internet addresses.

      • proxyPortNumber is the port on the network proxy to use for access to the Oracle online registration service. Only required if your network is configured to use a proxy to reach external Internet addresses.