Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Viewing Reconciliation Status

There are two main ways to view reconciliation status. To view detailed reconciliation status, open the Reconciliation Summary Results page for a specific resource. Limited reconciliation status is also available directly in the Resource List.

ProcedureTo View Detailed Reconciliation Status

View detailed reconciliation status using the Reconciliation Summary Results page.

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Resources in the menu.

  2. Select the resource in the Resource List for which you want to view reconciliation status.

  3. Locate the Resource Actions list and select View Reconciliation Status.

    The Reconciliation Summary Results page for the resource opens.

ProcedureTo View Reconciliation Status in the Resource List

You can also view Reconciliation status from the Resource List.

  1. Open the Administrator interface.

  2. Click Resources in the main menu.

    The Status column reports the following reconciliation status conditions:

    • unknown. Status is not known. Results for the latest reconciliation task are not available.

    • disabled. Reconciliation is disabled.

    • failed. The latest reconciliation failed to complete.

    • success. The latest reconciliation completed successfully.

    • completed with errors. The latest reconciliation completed, but with errors.

    Note –

    You must refresh this page to view status changes. (The information does not automatically refresh.)