Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Running Reports

ProcedureTo Run a Report

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Reports in the main menu.

    The Run Reports page opens.

  2. To view a list of available Waveset Reports, select Waveset Reports in the Report Type drop-down menu. (This option is selected by default.)

    To view a list of available Auditor Reports, select Auditor Reports in the Report Type drop-down menu. See Working with Auditor Reports in Chapter 15, Auditing: Monitoring Compliance for more information.

    Figure 8–1 shows an example of the Run Reports page. Auditor Reports are selected in the Report Type drop-down menu.

    Figure 8–1 Run Reports Selection

    Figure showing an example Run Reports page

  3. Click Run to run a report.

    Note –

    To allow multiple instances of the same report to run at the same time, edit the report and select the Allow Reports to Execute Concurrently option. Enabling this option allows multiple administrators to run the same report at the same time.

    If two or more instances of the same report run concurrently, each report will have the administrator’s ID followed by a timestamp appended to the report name.