Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Install the PasswordSync Configuration Application

The following procedure describes how to install the PasswordSync configuration application.

Note –

You must install PasswordSync on each domain controller in the domains that will be synchronized with Waveset.

Be sure to uninstall any previously installed versions of PasswordSync before continuing.

  1. From the Waveset installation media,

    • If you are installing to a 32-bit version of Windows, double-click pwsync\IdmPwSync_x86.msi.

    • If you are installing to a 64-bit version of Windows, double-click pwsync\IdmPwSync_x64.msi.

    The installation wizard opens and the Welcome window displays with the following navigational buttons:

    • Cancel. Click to exit the wizard at any time without saving any of your changes.

    • Back. Click to return to a previous dialog box.

    • Next. Click to progress to the next dialog box.

  2. Read the information provided on the Welcome screen, and then click Next to display the Choose Setup Type window.

  3. Click either Typical or Complete to install the full PasswordSync package, or click Custom to control which parts of the package are installed. Click Next to continue.

  4. When the Ready to Install window displays, click Install to install the product.

  5. A final window displays. Enable the Launch Configuration Application box so that you can begin configuring Password Sync, and then click Finish to complete the installation process.

    Instructions for configuring PasswordSync are provided in Chapter 11, PasswordSync.

    Note –

    A dialog displays, stating that you must restart the system for the changes to take effect. It is not necessary to restart until after you have configured PasswordSync, but you must restart the domain controller before implementing PasswordSync.

    Installing and Configuring PasswordSync on Windows describes the files that are installed on each domain controller.

    Installed Component  



    PasswordSync configuration program 


    Data file for the configuration program 


    DLL that handles PasswordSync messages 


    Password Notification DLL that implements the Windows PasswordChangeNotify() function