Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Tuning Active Sync Adapter Performance

Because synchronization is a background task, Active Sync adapter configuration can affect server performance.

Tuning Active Sync adapter performance involves these tasks:

Manage Active Sync adapters through the resources list. Select an Active Sync adapter, and then access start, stop, and status refresh controls actions from the Synchronization section of the Resource Actions list.

Changing Polling Intervals

The polling interval determines when the Active Sync adapter will start processing new information. Polling intervals should be determined based on the type of activity being performed. For example, if the adapter reads in a large list of users from a database and updates all users in Waveset each time, consider running this process daily in the early morning hours. Some adapters may have a quick search for new items to process and could be set to run every minute.

Specifying the Host Where the Adapter Will Run

To specify the host where the adapters will run, you must edit the sources.hosts property in the SystemConfiguration object.

Specify one of the following settings:

Active Sync adapters that require more memory and CPU cycles can be configured to run on dedicated servers to help load balance the systems.

Starting and Stopping

Active Sync adapters can be disabled, manually started, or automatically started. You must have the appropriate administrator capability to change Active Sync resources in order to start or stop Active Sync adapters. For information about administrator capabilities, see Capabilities Categories.

When an adapter is set to automatic, the adapter restarts when the application server does. When you start an adapter, it will run immediately and execute at the specified polling interval. When you stop an adapter, the next time the adapter checks for the stop flag, it will stop.

Adapter Logging

Adapter logs capture information about the adapter currently processing. The amount of detail that the log captures depends upon the logging level of the logging you have set. Adapter logs are useful for debugging problems and watching the adapter process progress.

Each adapter has its own log file, path, and log level. You specify these values in the Logging section of the Synchronization Policy for the appropriate user type (Waveset or Service Provider).

Delete Adapter logs only when the adapter has been stopped. In most cases, it is a good practice to make a copy of an adapter log for archive purposes before you delete the log.