Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Monitoring Logging

Waveset has two sets of objects that grow without bounds: the audit log and the system log. Data Exporter addresses some of the maintenance problems associated with the log tables.

Audit Logs

Waveset writes immutable audit records to the audit log to serve as a historical audit trail of the operations it performs. Waveset uses these records in certain reports, and the data from the records may be displayed in the administrator interface. However, because the audit log grows without bounds and it grows at a modest rate, the deployer must determine when to truncate the audit log. Before Data Exporter, if you wanted to preserve the records prior to truncation, you were forced to dump the tables from the repository. If Data Exporter is enabled and configured to export log records, then the old records are preserved in the warehouse, and Waveset may truncate the audit tables as needed.

System Logs

System logs have the same immutable property that the audit logs have, but system logs are not typically generated as frequently. Data Exporter does not export system logs. To truncate the system log and preserve old records, you must dump the tables in the repository.