Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Edit Assigned Resource Attribute Values

Use the Assigned Resources table to set or modify resource attribute values on resources assigned to a role. A resource can have different attribute values defined on a role-by-role basis. Clicking the Set Attribute Values button opens the Resource Account Attributes page.

The following figure shows the Resource Account Attributes page, which is used to set extended attribute values on resources assigned to a role.

Figure illustrating the Resource Account Attributes page
  1. From the page Resource Account Attributes page, specify new values for each attribute and determine how attribute values are set.

    Waveset enables you to directly set values or use a rule to set values and provides a range of options for overriding existing values or merging values with existing values. For general information about resource attribute values, see To View or Edit Resource Account Attributes.

    Use the following options to establish values for each resource account attribute:

    • Value override. Choose one of the following options:

      • None (Default). No value is established.

      • Rule. Uses a rule to set the value.

        If you select this option, you must select a rule name from the list.

      • Text. Uses specified text to set the value.

        If you select this option, you must enter the text in the adjacent Text field.

    • How to set. Choose one of the following options:

      • Default value. Makes the rule or text the default attribute value.

        The user can change or override this value.

      • Set to value. Sets the attribute value as specified by the rule or text.

        The value will be set and override any user changes.

      • Merge with value. Merges the current attribute value with the values specified by the rule or text.

      • Merge with value, clear existing. Removes the current attribute values and sets the value to a merger of values specified by this and other assigned roles.

      • Remove from value. Removes the value specified by the rule or text from the attribute value.

      • Authoritative set to value. Sets the attribute value as specified by the rule or text.

        The value will be set and override any user changes. If you remove the role, the new value is null, even if it previously existed on the attribute.

      • Authoritative merge with value. Merges the current attribute value with the values specified by the rule or text.

        Removing the role removes the value that was assigned when the role was assigned and leaves the original attribute value intact.

      • Authoritative merge with value, clear existing. Removes the current attribute values and sets the value to a merger of values specified by this and other assigned roles.

        Clears the attribute value specified by this role if the role is removed, even if it previously existed on the attribute.

    • Rule Name. If you select Rule in the Value override area, select a rule from the list.

    • Text. If you select Text in the Value override area, enter text to be added to, deleted from, or used as the attribute value.

  2. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Create or Edit Role page.