Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Change Passwords from the Main Menu

To change a user account password from the main menu, follow these steps:

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Passwords in the main menu.

    The Change User Password page appears by default.

    Figure 3–6 Change User Password

    Figure illustrating the Change User Password screen

  2. Select a search term (such as account name, email address, last name, or first name), and then a search type (starts with, contains, or is).

  3. Type one or more letters of a search term in the entry field, and then click Find. Waveset returns a list of all users whose IDs contain the entered characters. Click to select a user and return to the Change User Password page.

  4. Enter and confirm new password information, and then click Change Password to change the user password on the listed resource accounts. Waveset displays a workflow diagram that shows the sequence of actions taken to change the password.