Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Create a New Report

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Reports in the main menu.

    The Run Reports page opens.

  2. Use the Report Type drop-down menu to select a report category.

    There are two report categories:

    • Waveset Reports

    • Identity Auditor Reports

  3. Use the next drop-down menu to select a specific report type to create. (This menu says New at the top.)

    Waveset displays the Define a Report page, where you choose options to create the report, run it, or save it.

    After entering and selecting report criteria, you can:

    • Run the report without saving. Click Run to run the report. Waveset does not save the report (if you defined a new report) or the changed report criteria (if you edited an existing report).

    • Save the report. Click Save to save the report. Once saved, you can run the report from the Run Reports page (the list of reports).

    For more information on running reports, see Running Reports.