Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Create an Auditor Report

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Reports in the main menu.

    The Run Reports page opens.

  2. Select Auditor Reports for the report type.

  3. In the New list of reports, select a report.

    The Define a Report page appears. The fields and layout of the report dialog varies for each type of report. Refer to Waveset Help for information about specifying the report criteria.

    After entering and selecting report criteria, you can:

    • Run the report without saving.

      Click Run to start running the report. Waveset does not save the report (if you defined a new report) or the changed report criteria (if you edited an existing report).

    • Save the report.

      Click Save to save the report. After it is saved, you can run the report from the Run Reports page (the list of reports). After running a report from the Run Reports page, you can view the output immediately or at a later time from the View Reports tab.

    For information about scheduling a report, see Scheduling Reports.