Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Configure a Transaction Database

  1. Enter the database information.

    Complete the following fields:

    • Driver Class. Specify the JDBC Driver class name.

    • Driver Prefix. This field is optional. If specified, the JDBC DriverManager is queried before registering a new driver.

    • Connection URL Template. This field is optional. If specified, the JDBC DriverManager is queried before registering a new driver.

    • Host. Enter the name of the host where the database is running.

    • Port. Enter the port number the database server is listening on.

    • Database Name. Enter the name of the database to use.

    • User Name. Enter the ID of a database user with permission to read, update, and delete rows from the transaction and audit tables in the selected database.

    • Password. Enter the database user password.

    • Transaction Table. Enter the name of the table in the selected database to use for storing pending transactions.

  2. If appropriate, click Test Transaction Configuration to verify your entries.

    Continue to the next section of the Service Provider Configuration page to configure tracked events.