Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Edit Policy Attributes

You can edit resource policy attributes from the Edit Global Resource Policy Attributes page.

  1. Open the Edit Global Resource Policy Attributes page and edit the attributes as needed.

    These attributes include:

    • Default Capture Timeout. Enter a value, in milliseconds, that specifies the maximum time that the adapter should wait from the command line prompt before the adapter times out. This value applies to GenericScriptResourceAdapter or ShellScriptSourceBase adapters only. Use this setting when the results of a command or script are important and will be parsed by the adapter.

      The default value for this setting is 30000 (30 seconds).

    • Default Wait for Timeout. Enter a value, in milliseconds, to specify the maximum time that a scripted adapter should wait between polls before checking to see if a command has characters (or results) ready. This value applies to GenericScriptResourceAdapter or ShellScriptSourceBase adapters only. Use this setting when the results of a command or script are not examined by the adapter.

    • Wait for Ignore Case. Enter a value, in milliseconds, to specify the maximum time the adapter should wait for the command line prompt before timing out. This value applies to GenericScriptResourceAdapter or ShellScriptSourceBase adapters only. Use this setting when the case (uppercase or lowercase) is irrelevant.

    • Resource Account Password Policy. If applicable, select a resource account password policy to apply to the selected resource. None is the default selection.

    • Excluded Resource Accounts Rule. If applicable, select a rule that governs excluded resource accounts. None is the default selection.

  2. You must click Save to save your changes to the policy.