Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Initial Configuration for the Sample User Pages

    To demonstrate the features of the sample user pages, you need to execute the following configuration steps after the initial setup and configuration of Oracle Waveset has been completed:

  1. Setup the sample Service Provider resource.

  2. Setup Service Provider authentication policy.

  3. Configure mail notification settings.

  4. Review the sample users.

    Note –

    Perform all initial configuration from the Waveset Administrator Interface. Refer to Business Administrator's Guide for detailed information about configuring this product.

Sample Service Provider Resource

The Waveset installation process creates a sample LDAP resource named Service Provider End-User Directory. The schema map defines all the account attributes required for the user pages.

However, you must update the Resource Parameters to specify the host name, user DN, password, and other parameters required to connect to an LDAP directory server. This resource can be used as both configuration and end-user resource for Service Provider.

The resource is defined in the $WSHOME/sample/speEndUserResource.xml file.

Sample Service Provider Policy

The installation process also creates a policy named Service Provider Policy This policy uses the default Waveset account and password policies but provides the following customized secondary authentication policy options:

The Service Provider Policy is defined in the $WSHOME/sample/spePolicy.xml file.

Mail Notification Settings

By default, most of the sample pages are configured to send an email upon completion of the task demonstrated on the page. If you want to turn notification off, then edit the notification section of the SPEUserPages configuration object. The configuration allows to enable/disable email notification for every page individually. See Configuring the Filter for more details.

Make sure that you configure the SMTP server. To do this, click Configure, then Servers and navigate to the Email Template tab for the SMTP server.

Sample Users

The SPE Sample Users configuration object provides several sample users. These users are required for the registration pages to function. The sample pages are set up so that a user registering must verify his or her relationship with the provider.

The sample registration pages work out of the box with the provided sample users. The validate page requires the email, firstName and lastName attributes to match before the user can advance to the validation page. Use the debug pages to view the attributes of these sample users.