Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Sample User Pages Overview

This section describes each sample user page provided with Service Provider. The features, such as page processor class and view handler, are discussed in Chapter 7, Implementing Custom User Pages.

Login Page

The login page is the entry into the Service Provider User Interface. The password is validated against the password in the LDAP directory. An error is displayed if the user cannot be found in the directory or if the password is invalid.

Authentication occurs through the com.sun.idm.idmx.web.AuthFilter servlet filter. To change the filter or its initialization parameters, modify the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/web.xml file. See Configuring the Filter for more details.

If the Service Provider Account Policy has been configured to lock out an account when the user does not login successfully after a specified number of attempts, the user is redirected to another page that states the account is locked. In addition, Service Provider sends the user an email that states the account is locked.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Login 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Profile Locked 

Configuration object attributes 

Not applicable 

Audit event 

Not applicable 

Registration Page

The Login page provides a link to a registration page that allows prospective users to enroll for the service. The default registration pages implement the following logic

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



  • Service Provider Enrollment Main Form

  • Service Provider Enrollment Validation Form

  • Service Provider Enrollment Form

  • Service Provider End-User Forms Library

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Registration Template 

Configuration object attributes 

  • enrollment.validation.enabled

  • enrollment.privacypolicy

  • notification.registration

Audit event 


Forgot Username Page

A user accesses the Forgot Username page to retrieve his or her login ID. The user must supply the telephone number stored in the telephoneNumber attribute on the directory and a valid email address. The login ID will be sent to the specified email address.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Forgot Username 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Username Recovery 

Configuration object attributes 


  • lookup-attributes.title

  • lookup-attributes.required

  • notification.recovery

Audit event 


Failure occurs if an account cannot be found with the specified telephone number and email address, or if multiple accounts are found with the given information.

The form can also use the auditEventType form property to instruct the viewer about which type of audit event to log.

Forgot Password Page

A user selects the Forgot password? link on the login page to display a page similar to the Forgot Username page. The user must first supply the telephone number stored in the telephoneNumber attribute on the directory and a valid email address. Next, the user is prompted to provide answers to authentication questions.

If the user has not previously answered their authentication questions or if authentication questions are not configured, an error is displayed. If the correct answers are given to the authentication questions, either a password is generated and emailed to the user, or the user is redirected to a page allowing them to reset their password. The password attribute in the SPEUserPages configuration object determines which action the system takes.

If configured in the Service Provider Account Policy, the account can be locked after a specified number of failed attempts to answer challenge questions.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Classes 

  • ForgotPasswordForm

  • UserQuestionForm

View Handlers 

  • IDMXLookupUsernameViewer

  • IDMXUserQuestionViewer


  • Service Provider End-User Forgot Password

  • Service Provider End-User Reset Password

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Reset Password 

Configuration object attributes 


  • lookup-attributes.title

  • lookup-attributes.required

  • notification.passwordreset

  • password.reset-mode

Audit event 

challengeResponse (for success and failure) 

The form can also use the “auditEventType” form property to instruct the viewer about which type of audit event to log.

Change Password Page

Clicking the My Profile tab in the navigation bar takes the user to a form that allows the user to change his LDAP directory password. The user is prompted to enter his current password, the value of the new password, and a confirmation of the new password.

If the current password is valid, the new password matches its confirmation and also passes the password policy defined for the LDAP resource, then the user’s password is modified to the new value. A notification email message is sent to the user’s notification address, and an audit event indicating that the user has been updated is generated.

If any of the validations fail, error messages are displayed so the user can correct the form entry and resubmit.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Change Password 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Change Password 

Configuration object attributes 


Audit event 


Change Username Page

This page allows the user to change his or her user name in Service Provider. The provided form makes the following checks on the new user name:

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Change UserId 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Change User Id 

Configuration object attributes 


Audit event 


Change Notifications Page

A user’s notifications address is the email address defined in the LDAP directory. The form associated with this action allows the user to change the email address where she receives notifications.

The only way to truly validate an email address is to try to send a message to it and verify that it was correctly received. This is usually impractical in a form, so the best we can do is usually to verify that the suggested address has a valid format. In this case, the address is valid if it contains an “@” character. If the new address is not valid, an error is displayed in the form allowing the user to correct the address and resubmit.

If the new address is valid, the user’s email address is changed and an update user audit event is generated. In addition, an email message is sent to the old address indicating it will no longer be used for notifications and another message is sent to the new address indicating it will be used for future notification messages.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Change Notifications 

Email templates 

  • Service Provider End-User Change Notifications

  • Service Provider End-User Change Notifications Old Address

Configuration object attributes 


Audit event 


Change Challenge Question Answers Page

The Change Challenge Question Answers page allows the user to edit the answers to challenge questions that were specified during enrollment.

An error message is returned if the answers do not meet requirements of the Answer Quality policy.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Change Notifications 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Update Authentication Answers 

Configuration object attributes 


Audit event 


Logout Page

Clicking the Logout button in the masthead sends the user to an action called /spe/user/ The class associated with this action is com.sun.idm.idmx.web.LogoutAction . This class invalidates the user’s HttpSession. The “success” forward defined for this action takes the user to the login page.