Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Configuring the Filter

The $WSHOME/WEB-INF/web.xml file contains the definition the Service Provider Authentication/Authorization filter. This filter handles authentication and ensures that protected pages can only be accessed after successful authentication. If a client attempts to access to a protected page without proper authentication, the filter would redirect the client to the login page.

The Service Provider Authentication/Authorization filter defines the following parameters. Note that the parameters that specify a directory or page must include the path to the web application.


Default Value 




The full path for pages that require authentication. Pages that do not require authentication should not be placed in this directory. 



The full path to the login page where the user is redirected when attempting to access a protected page without proper authentication. 



The full path to the page that is displayed when a user attempts to login while the account is locked. 



The full path to the page that is displayed when a user exceeds the maximum number of failed login attempts. 



Indicates whether to preserve the query string when a user is redirected to the login page. The allowed values are true or false. 

See Account and Password Policies for information about implementing lockout policies in Service Provider.

Specifying Protected and Public Pages

The protected-pages-path parameter in the web.xml file specifies the directory in which pages that need authentication must reside. Public pages must reside in a different location.

The following pages are provided in the $WSHOME/spe/user/protected directory by default.

Other customized files may be added to this directory.

See Specifying an Action Path for more information about implementing authentication with the default authentication filter.