Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

objects Attributes

The objects attribute contains a list of objects, each holding the editable attributes of the linked objects. It is similar to the accounts attribute in the Waveset User view. Like the Waveset User view, the attributes in each object are mostly arbitrary and defined by the Resource schema. The following attributes are defined by the system and will always exist.




A unique name used to identify the linked object in the view. Usually this is the same as the name of the Resource containing the linked object, but may be qualified if there is more than one linked object from this Resource. This name may be used to locate an object in the info attribute. 


May be used to set the password for accounts that support passwords. This value will initially be null for new accounts. When editing existing accounts, it will be non-null to indicate that a password has been set, but the value will not be the actual password. 


Initially set to true if the linked object is an account and has been locked. May be changed to change the lock status of the account. This attribute is valid only if the associated resource supports account locking. To unlock a locked account, you must explicitly set this value to the string false . If you leave the value null, the current lock status will not be changed.


The full native identity of the object. For directory objects, this will be the DN. When creating new objects, this will override the identity template defined in the Resource. For existing objects, it must not be changed. 


An action attribute that may be set to true to indicate that this object should be deleted.


An action attribute that may be set to true to disable an account. If it is set to false, then the account is enabled. This is an action-only attribute. When the view is checked out, the attribute will not have a value.


An action attribute that may be set to true to trigger a password reset. This will result in a randomly generated password being assigned. 


An action attribute that may be set to true to indicate that the password should be expired.


An action attribute that may be set to true to indicate that this object should be unlinked.


An action attribute that may be set to another object identity to indicate that the object should be renamed. Not all resources may support identity changes.