Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

ProcedureTo set up Development and Testing Environments

  1. Install JDK 1.5 or higher.

  2. Install Apache Ant 1.6.3 or higher.

  3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK. For example:

  4. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to Ant. For example:

  5. Add JAVA_HOME\bin and ANT_HOME\bin to the PATH environment variable.

  6. Install the REF kit.

    mkdir spe-dev
    copy spe-dev
    cd spe-dev

    You are now ready to change directories to spe-dev and run ant. You may run ant with or without an optional target. To specify a target, enter ant TargetName, such as ant compile. If you do not specify a target, ant will build everything in the src directory and create a JAR file in a new directory, dist.

    The following table lists the possible targets.




    Initializes the build environment by creating dependent directories. 


    Compiles all source in the src directory into the build directory.


    Copies all non-Java source files into the build directory. This is for properties file support and other embedded resources.


    Create a JAR file from the files in the build directory into the dist directory. The name of the JAR will be the project name specified at the top of the build.xml file “MyProject” and a timestamp.


    Removes the dist, build, and reports directories and remove all .class files from the test directory.


    Calls the compile, resources, test-compile, and test-run targets (in that order), then runs the JUnit reports task on the results to produce both HTML and text reports on the success or failure of the tests. The reports are written to the reports directory.


    Calls the compile, resources, and test-compile targets. Then it runs each test case within the test directory whose file name contains the pattern *


    Calls the compile, and resource targets, then compiles all the files within the test directory.